5: Sun Kissed

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So sorry this chapter is late going up, but this week has been so hectic :/ but it's up now, as is the new cover I've chosen! It's made by Twitter user @kristinecuevas_ 

It was a really tough choice but thanks very much, Kristine!

You can all view the other covers I was sent on my Facebook page (facebook.com/Reekles)

I won't ramble any longer - except to say that I hope you like this chapter! 


Day Six

Sunday 30th June



            I’m so late. Thank God that Sol is such a nice guy and won’t fire me on the spot for being late. Hell, he’ll probably find me spare clothes and tell me to go dry off, and then sit me down with a free coffee while I warm up.

            It’s raining. Well, that’s putting it mildly.

            It’s like the clouds have ripped apart and are spilling down the entire Pacific Ocean upon this little town, I swear. Thunder and lightning included. The worst part? It’s so humid out, that I feel like I’m wading through syrup, the air is so thick in the heat.

            I was not prepared for this.

            I have a thin waterproof coat on, over my tank top and shorts, but the wind is fierce and keeps pulling the hood down off my head, so my hair sticks across my face.

            My umbrella isn’t much use either. It keeps getting the wind caught beneath it, and blowing inside-out.

            I shake my arms violently, trying to fix my umbrella – only for it to blow the right way in, and shower me with the rainwater that had collected on top of it.

            I gasp, squealing in shock. The water drips off my face and runs down my neck, underneath my tank top. God, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse! I’m going to be a mess when I get to the café…

            I’m on the main strip, only a couple more minutes’ walk from the café, when the wind catches my umbrella once again – only this time, it yanks it out of my hands altogether.

            “No! Oh, shit! Shit, shit, shit!”

            I chase it down the street, splashing through inch-deep puddles and drenching the last dry spots inside my ballet pumps. My hood flies down from my face once again, and my hair whips around my face.

            My umbrella catches in the awning of a shop, the handle snagging on some loose rope.

            I pick up my pace, sprinting now, before it can make an escape for good.

            Hair sticks across my forehead, and I brush it aside, shaking my head. When I’ve blinked the rain out of my eyes, I see a tall, lean figure clad in dark clothes… and he’s reaching for my umbrella.

            “Hey!” I yell. He doesn’t respond; but maybe he can’t hear me over all the rain, and the thunder. I suck in a breath, lungs burning, and my feet pound harder against the ground to get to the guy before he can make off with my umbrella. “Hey, you! Stop!”

            This time, he does hear me, and turns toward me.

            I, however, am too close to slow down in time.

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