Chapter 47:OMG

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"How many?"I asked again.

"None"his answer rang out through the penthouse.I can't believe my ears.None?Zero?Nada?I stared at him in shock as Baba piped up.

"It's true!Not one woman has stepped in his penthouse since you left!Jeez boss wouldn't even let me bring up my women!"Baba complained as my heart warmed.He....

"Please Carolyn,I want you.No,I need you in my life.Without you,life has no meaning itself.My days are dark and gloomy.I love you Carolyn,please say you do too"Eisuke plead as he got on his knees.

My eyes widened so much I thought my eyeballs were gonna pop out.The great Eisuke Ichinomiya is KNEELING and BEGGING.My eyes became blurry as tears entered my vision.I jumped onto him as he fell backwards.

"Oh I do!I missed you so much Eisuke!"I cried as I hugged him tightly.I could've sworn I saw a tear in his eye before his lips captured mine in the most sweetest kiss I never imagined could exist.

"Um,can you please save the PDA for the bedroom?"Soryu's voice brought us back into reality and we jumped apart as Baba grinned at us.

"So boss,since you and Carolyn are back together and all,can the women come back too?"Baba plead,his eyes hopeful as he looked at Eisuke.


"But boss-!"

"No,they're annoying"

Baba sighed in frustration and disappointment as I giggled.

Eisuke turned and flashed me a gentle smile which I knew he only showed to me as he kissed my forehead.

Comment pleaseeeee!I estimate 3 more chapters before it ends.

*Megan Samantha Radoc

I've already come out with the prologue and how the story's gonna go but I just can't seem o decide on a title!I'm so sorry but mishaps you could suggest one?PM me!

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