Chapter 1

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Chapter One

I rushed out the door, clutching my shoes to my chest, waving for the bus to stop. I had woken up late, and I couldn't afford one more tardy slip. Thankfully, the bus pulled over. I walked in, keeping my head down. Tina was laughing, imitating me running after the bus. I sat across from her and I pulled on my shoes, shuddering as my wet socks were forced into my dry shoes.

My English homework had kept me up late, and I felt my eyes drooping as the bus continued its route. Tina attempted to make conversation, but stopped after she realized all my responses were grunts. I could feel myself falling asleep.

"Hey, Lana, it's time to go. Get up." she was pushing on my shoulder, nudging me awake. I forced myself to open my eyes, and I stood up, feeling woozy.

"I don't want to go to school! School sucks!" I whined playfully as I stepped off the bus. Tina rolled her eyes.

As I neared my friends, I could see Tina hopping in and out of other people's conversations, trying to be the center of attention. When she saw me, she waved my over bubbly.

"Oh my God, Lana. What happened to your hair? I liked it better yesterday." she said, and I forced a bitter smile. I let out a exasperated sigh.

"I'll fix it during lunch." I said cheerfully.

"Why do you always wear a ponytail? It makes your forehead look huge. And what are you wearing? It doesn't match at all." My eyes flared.

"You wear black like, everyday. You should wear makeup." I twisted my watch, letting it smart my wrist, biting my tongue.

"I like black, Tina. Remember when I wore makeup last time, and I wore too much? It's confusing." Tina laughed and I joined in. The bell rang.

First and second period went by in a blur, and I drifted in and out of sleep during third. By fourth period, I was awake enough to attempt to take notes. I had hunger pains, and my stomach cried for food. I had to skip lunch though, to finish my homework.

At fifth period, I walked to the computer lab, with Tina trailing behind me, talking about how lame it was we had to do homework during school, then complaining about how some girls in the locker room tried to do something or another.

"And you know how Alex and Tara are fighting? Well, in the locker room, Tara was yelling at her, so then Alex bit Tara! She had to go to the nurse. Alex didn't even seem to be sorry, and I'm just like, 'that's not cool' and she just growls at me! What a bitch, right? Lana? Hello? Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, what a bitch." I murmured, logging into the computer. The lab was dark and empty, but I kept the lights off, we just had an assembly about conserving energy. I got out my iPod and pushed my headphones into my ears, making it painfully obvious I didn't want to talk.

"So then in fourth period, Connor tries to bite me. And I'm like, 'dude, back off' I think it's like a game or something. They are always trying to keep me out of the loop!" Tina whined. I felt anger growing in my chest. Couldn't she see I was trying to work?

"So then, Mr. Richardson comes up to Connor and pushes him out of the classroom, telling him to go to the office. And the entire class was quiet and staring at me! It was so embarrassing!"

"Uh huh. That's crazy." I say, giving her my stock answers. "You should start working, we've only got twenty minutes left of this period." I heard the door opening slowly. Ms. Williams, the librarian, was shuffling in. I smiled pleasantly, nudging Tina to do the same.

"Hello Ms. Williams." we said in unison. She lifted her head, staring at us. There was something dripping from her mouth. I raised my eyebrows, trying to make out what it was. I didn't want to embarrass her by telling her, but it was grossing me out. I didn't have to make the decision, because Tina did it for me.

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