Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"Lana! Wake up! Lana!" Tom was shaking me awake. I could feel dried up drool encrusted on my cheeks. Becca and Tom stood above me, looking worried. The sun was still out, taunting us in the middle of the sky. We had been staying at the house for the past few days, and I had been having nightmares every time I closed my eyes.

"Are you alright, Lana? You were yelling. You were, right? Did you have another nightmare? Was it about us? " Becca said, overloading my fuzzy tired brain with questions. I just squinted up at them, confused and muddled with sleep.

"Lana, are you waking up anytime soon? We have to eat dinner, I mean, breakfast." No one had gotten used to waking up at night yet.

"Caine said we're just going to camp out here for awhile longer. This morning he had stayed up to keep watch and saw no zombies for about an hour after the sun came out! Nice, right? He says most of them probably stayed in the cities, where it began. So we should be safe here as long as food lasts. And we have lots and lots of food." Becca began discussing with herself how important breakfast was.

"I'm awake. What's for breakfast? Bacon and eggs? Pancakes?" my mouth watered, I'd been eating lukewarm vegetables and sandwich meat for the past couple of days. Sara had this giant plan to conserve all our preserved food until the unrefrigerated food spoiled. Who thinks of theses things? Sara does.

"Nope," Becca teased, playing with my hair, "we're having some carrots and black forest ham. A feast, really." Tom snorted through his nose.

"If you three don't eat soon, I'll just split your rations between Caine and I." Sara interjected. I groaned out loud. There was always something imperfect going on that Sara had to straighten. Always fun that needed to be pushed down.

"Oh my god, Sara. Who the hell cares if you eat some of my ham that's probably rotten by now? Can't you just let us have fun for two seconds?" Tom snarled at her. Apparently, he agreed with me.

Sara flipped us all off, then left the room. Becca returned the gesture, and Tom crossed his arms, smiling at Sara's annoyance. I stuck my tongue out. A few minutes later, Sara bursted in the room again, dragging Caine behind her, her face contorted with anger. Caine looked tired and ragged from staying up so late into the morning.

"What's going on Sara?" he asked, slurring his words.

"They don't respect any of my decisions! I need you to enforce them!" she ordered. Becca stood up, pissed off.

"You're not our mom! We don't have to follow every single stupid thing you say! We should be able to eat whenever we want, sleep in late, and do what we please! I mean, the apocalypse comes and wouldn't you know it, I have more restrictions then I did before! I thought this group was a way to stay alive! Not Dictator Sara's cult of devoted followers!" she yelled. Both of their faces were bright red with rage. Caine looked uncomfortable standing so close to them.

Tom stood up, walking over to the center of the storm, putting his hands on their shoulders. Sara looked at him with such venom I thought he was going to drown in it. Becca swatted his hand away and stalked over to me, like I was some kind of separate area.

"We need a proper leader. Not just someone with ideas that pushes her insane laws on everyone else, using her bodyguard to make sure they get followed." Tom said. I could tell he was mad he had to have this conversation with us. "I think it should be me." Tom stated, "I'm the most level headed." Caine laughed and Becca rolled her eyes.

"You're not leader material!" Sara hissed.

"Oh yeah? Says who?" Becca shot back

"Just calm dow-" Caine began.

"Shut up!" Sara and Becca yelled. I could only get bits and pieces from the rest of the argument.

"Tom doesn't-"

"Sara's such a stuck up bit-"

"I'll kill Becca when I get the chan-"

The storm had stopped brewing. It was here.

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