Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

"Shut up Becca!" Sara screamed.

"Make me you dumb blonde!" Becca retorted.

"Guys maybe we should calm down-"

"Shut up Caine!" they yelled simultaneously. Sara whirled around to face me.

"This is your fault!" she said, once again spitting in my face, "Ever since you came, we've been split! Are you trying to sabotage us?" I blinked, furious. What the hell?

"You're one to talk! All you ever do is yell!" I screamed, cursing myself inwardly for being a hypocrite. "You're the one dragging our group down! I bet you think if you weren't here, the world would stop moving! Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's not! It's not my fault I came when you were especially pissy!"

"If it wasn't for me, you'd still be stuck at your house all alone!" Sara screamed, "It was my idea to search those houses! It was my idea to raid them for food and water! It was my idea to ration it all out! But the second I try to step up, you all knock me down!" Becca rolled her eyes. Tom laughed under his breath. I counted to ten, trying to hide my red hot fury over this stupid argument that had started over me not waking up on time.

"Guys, maybe we should all just calm down." Caine suggested quietly. We all turned to face him, and he blushed all the way up to his ears. "I mean, I can see Sara's point. She has helped out a lot. I don't think we could've gotten here without her, but it's clear only she and I see it that way. If we just talk it out, we could all see things from each others side, and..." he trailed off awkwardly. I felt my mouth twitch.

Tom looked at Caine suspiciously. Then he left the room, slamming the door behind him. Becca smirked, and followed close behind him, her shot hair swishing from side to side, leaving me with Sara and Caine. With a sigh, I left the room too, shutting the door smoothly behind me, not allowing it to slam.

I walked down the hallway, searching for Becca and Tom. They weren't upstairs, or in any of the other rooms. The house was strangely cold, and the floor creaked even when I lightly stepped on it. It reminded me of the previous night's nightmare, sending shivers up my spine. I thought of retreating back to the living room, but ruled against it, not wanting to chance running into Sara again.

But fate was against me, as I slammed headfirst into her.

"Ah! Would you look out?" She murmured, rubbing her head. I cringed away, waiting for her to start ranting about how I was the devil in disguise. But she didn't say anything. I opened my eyes slowing, checking to make sure it was really Sara, not just some super nice zombie in her skin.

"What's wrong? Worried I'm going to bite your head off?" She grimaced, "That's fine, everyone else thinks I'm evil, so why not you?." I looked down, hiding my face. She let out a sigh. "Sorry about snapping at you earlier," she shrugged her shoulders awkwardly, "and the time before that, and the time before that."

I was confused.

"Aren't you going to yell at me?" I asked, hating how squeaky my voice sounded. She narrowed her eyes.

"No, you idiot." I breathed a sigh of relief. "I was looking for you to say I was sorry. I'm just being an assho- well, a jerk, for no reason. I try to be in control, like if everyone would just listen-." she let out a ragged breath. She had dark bags underneath her eyes.

"Uh, it's fine Sara. No- no problem." I gave her a small smile, which she returned.

"Thank you. I'm sorry we started off like this." She whispered. I blinked in shock, she had feelings? "Come here." she said, hugging me tightly. I was stiff for a minute. She smelled like my mom, and she was tall enough for me to feel as though she could be. My eyes watered up, thinking about my parents. I pulled away roughly, unable to stand thinking of them.

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