A Small Break

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Trans Resources:

Trevor Project Suicide/Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386

Info and FAQ on what Trans/Gender Identity means for some people: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/trvr_support_center/trans-gender-identity/

Guide to being an ally: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/trevor-support-center/a-guide-to-being-an-ally-to-transgender-and-nonbinary-youth/

A master list of Trans resources and organizations: https://www.glaad.org/transgender/resources

Know your rights: https://transequality.org/know-your-rights

Chapter Playlist:

Marry You-Bruno Mars

Harry POV

It has been almost two weeks since we first came into the past. There have been multiple order meetings where we have been able to meet everyone. The only person we are not allowed to communicate with is Peter Pittegrew who we wouldn't put past to sell us to Voldemort. Ginny and Mum have been shut up in the kitchen for hours upon hours, occasionally calling us to do a certain spell or if we are able to do a certain thing. Meanwhile, I have been hanging out a lot with the Maurders (minus Pittigrew) and my baby self. At first, it was a little wierd to see myself as a baby and without a scar, but I got used to it. I am now ironically myself's favorite over Padfoot and I call myself 'unwle harry'.

I sometimes go in to try to coax them into taking a break. They are both so stubborn that I eventually quit. It came to be October 30th too soon. I walked back into the kitchen. Ginny and Mum looked horrible. Their eyes had black circles under them and they looked like they were about to fall over.

"That's it. You guys are taking a day off." I said firmly.

"Harry, lives are on the line here." Ginny said faintly.

"Yeah, but we won't be able to save any of them when you fall over asleep when Voldemort comes over tomorrow night." I said

"All right." Mum gave in. "We will go over the plan tonight." she exits the room.

"Come on Ginny. Let's go for a walk." I said.

I took her hand and led her out of the house. I put the invisibility cloak over us and appariated right outside the gates of Hogwarts. I took her through the halls and went outside the room of requirement. I paced three times and we entered.

"Wow." she breathed.

It was a moonlit dinner for two outside the black lake.

We ate and talked for awhile. We then sat under our tree near the black lake.

Ginny POV

"Wow." I breathed

We had a lovely dinner and sat under our tree near the black lake for awhile.

"Thank-you for this." I said.

He smiled at me.

"You needed it. You were working so hard and I know everyone appreciates it."

I nodded and put my head on his shoulder. We took a little moonlit stroll after that. Harry was up to something, I'm sure of it. He was acting a little nervous and I don't see why. It's just me. I looked at the black lake and the waves rippling over it. I turned around to ask Harry a question, but I see him on one knee with a black box and ring. My eyes widened.

"Ginny Molly Weasly, will you marry me?" he asked.

I paused.

"Is this because I am about to save your parents' lives because I haven't done it yet."

His eyes widened.

"No, I was going to do it the day you left."

A pang guilt coursed through me.


He stood up and slid the ring on my finger. I threw myself at him and placed a deep kiss on his lips. We stood there in the moment with our arms around each other that made everything seem like Voldemort was going to never hurt us.


I am in love with HInny aren't you? They are just so perfect together. I will try to post a Jily moment in a little bit.


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