Love overcomes... Stress?

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Chapter Playlist:

Crazier-Taylor Swift

*** SONG GOES TO THE AMAZING TAYLOR SWIFT!!! I can only wish to be as amazing as her****

Lilly POV

It has been a couple of weeks since we visited my sister. Molly and I have been all-out planning for Harry's wedding and it is getting very time consuming. We barley have time to eat before we go off to do something else. I still can't believe my little Harry is getting married. It seems as if he was only a baby a short time ago; well actually he kind of was. Anyway, I had just finished writing the seating chart and put down my quill with a sigh.

"Tired, love?"

It was James. He must of heard me sigh.

"The sooner this wedding is over, the better." I replied.

"Why don't you relax for the rest of the evening?"

"No, I have like a million things to do after this." I said.

"You are coming with me." James said firmly, dragging me out of the door.

I was too tired to even retort back at him which I normally do. We were walking along the grounds of the Burrow. I looked up and saw the beautiful full moon and stars twinkling around it. I sighed once again. James smiled when we came up to the Quidditch field. I gasped once again. The dance floor for the wedding was already laid out, and this wired looking computer was on the Dj sand. The trees around the field had wonderful fairy lights twinkling around us. A couple of fireflies were flying around the spot that we were in. It was perfect. James was watching my reaction when he laughed. He waved his wand and a slow song came on.

"May I have this dance malady?" He said bowing

I giggled.

"Why yes, sir James."

We danced to that song, when the song that came on when James first proposed to me came on. Memories of that night came flooding to my mind. I remember my shock and excitement at the thought of marrying the person I had once hated, now loved. James seemed t know what I was thinking, as usual and said

"I love you."

I looked into those deep hazel eyes and said

"I love you too."

We kept dancing to every song that came on.

"Where did you get that computer?" I asked.

James's smile faltered a little.

"I might of accidentally done a dare that Sirius told me and went to the future."

I gave him my best dirty look.

"No one saw me." He defended. "I saw this computer and swiped it before going back in time. I found a lot of cool future songs on there... Like this one."

I've never gone with the wind, just let it flow 

Let it take me where it wants to go 

Till you open the door there's so much more 

I've never seen it before

I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings 

You came along and you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around 

You make me crazier, crazier 

Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes 

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

I watched from a distance as you made life your own 

Every sky was your own kind of blue 

And I wanted to know how that would feel 

And you made it so real

You showed me something that I couldn't see 

You opened my eyes and you made me believe

You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around 

You make me crazier, crazier 

Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes 

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

Baby you showed me what living is for 

I don't want to hide anymore

You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around 

You make me crazier, crazier 

Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes 

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier, crazier, crazier

"You make me crazier." Whispered James.

"You're such a sap." I teased.

He smirked at me and we kissed. We were swaying like that night all of those years ago, when I first knew I would spend the rest of my life with this man.


Here's the Jily moment I was promising! I know, it's kinda short, but the will have the longest 'alone' moment in this story :) Ok if you were reading this far, I would like some song suggestions for the Wedding or the Bachelorette/Bachelor parties. (See? Reading the authors note does have its perks because you now know what the next couple of chapters are)


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