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What do you call someone who isn't normal? a freak? an extraordinary? everyone has their own viewpoints when it comes to the unnatural. My name is Ezra. I am a 17 year old boy who could seem rather regular on the outside. I go to school every day, I like spending time with friends and sleeping a lot. But unlike everyone else that I know, I have to get away from the world when I feel it coming on. My gift? my curse? I don't know anymore. Once I'm alone, I black out. Once I black out, I can see into the future. It all started around the age of five.

Mom likes to make pancakes in the morning. The smell of the sweet maple syrup drew me downstairs from my room. I always remembered the pancakes. Once I got downstairs, I sat myself down. Looking up at my mom, I could feel my eyes drooping. I think I remembered myself thinking I was tired or something. My eyes then rested upon the pancakes before I felt myself hit the ground. Then I went into some sort of dream state. From the kitchen, I found myself looking over a family. Not my family, but a different one. I could feel death slowly creeping up on the older man in the room. I ran towards him yelling out "Where am I? what is happening to me?" but no one acknowledged my existence. It's like I wasn't even there. About two minutes later, I felt the pain of the older man, he collapsed onto the floor holding onto his chest for dear life. He was dead. Before I could see the reaction of the rest of the family, my eyes woke up from the sudden dream. I was in a hospital bed, my mom looking over me. I was so confused. It's terrible for a five year old to experience something like that.

The doctors think that I have sudden seizures, so someone almost always has to be with me just in case I black out on the top of the stairs or something. But they don't know the real truth, and I like to keep it that way. The one question I've always had when I was younger was if the dreams were real or not. I was unfortunate to find out the truth when I turned thirteen. I was in the eighth grade sitting in class. Bored and day dreaming as usual. I felt the black out starting. First the tired eyes, then the weird butterfly feeling in my stomach. Putting up my hand the teacher glanced over to me while in the middle of a lesson. "Can I go to the washroom please?" I'd ask politely. She nodded as I hurried out of class down the halls. Opening the stall, I'd rest myself on the floor next to the toilet paper as I felt myself drift off. Normally I'd have dreams of random locations that I had never seen before. Not this time. I found myself in my very own school this time. I saw Katy and Trisha. They were both in my gym class. They both looked like they were talking with each other, but not a normal conversation. it seemed like they were arguing. I still remember how surprised I was, dreaming about a place I was familiar with. So caught up in that thought, I hadn't noticed what was going on until the last second. Trisha suddenly pushed Katy. Katy tripped over her own foot and fell down the stairs behind her. I yelled out, running forward but I was invisible to them as usual. My eyes opened suddenly from the dream. Shocked from what I had witnessed. My legs were weak trying to stand up.

Getting back to class I had pulled myself together. The rest of that day I was trying to forget about what I had seen. The dreams felt so real so it was hard. I remember the next day seeing Katy and Trisha in my gym class, Katy still well thankfully. I kept reminding myself that it was just a dream, but that wasn't enough for me. I had to see for myself. After gym class it was lunch so I walked to the stairs where it had happened in my dream. Looking up from the bottom, to my horror I saw them. Katy and Trisha. Was my dreams real? or were they just dreams? They couldn't have been real, this must be a coincidence. I remember thinking it was impossible. How could a dream come to life? walking slowly I'd look up from the stairs. "No!" I'd yell out once I saw Trisha's hands come up and push Katy. I was stunned in my place seeing Katy topple down the stairs, falling right to my feet. Luckily Katy only had broken her arm that day. But that was when I found out my dreams were a reality. Predictions. Now, back to the present. I am laying in bed. contemplating life as I normally do once a day. Thinking about my past. I've always had a form of extra-sensory perception. An ability to see places or events in the future before they even happen. I am a psychic? a seer? a prophet? a freak? I don't know. But I can see the future.

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