Strep Throat - Request

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* This is a request from @stacystonier (I also kinda based some of it off when I had strep last spring)

The boys had just finished up with with the first leg of the SLFL tour and were all going back home to Australia for a few days. Their flight had gotten in late at night, so the boys decided that they would all go to their own homes for the night and meet up to hang out the next day. However, getting into his mother's car at the airport, he noticed that he wasn't feeling that well, but he chalked it out to be because they had all had a long day of traveling and no sleep. As soon as they got home, Luke had wandered up the stairs and to his room and fell asleep on the bed, not even bothering to take his clothes off or brush his teeth. A few hours later, the blonde found himself waking up with a very sore throat, chills, and a general feeling of not feeling well. He slowly sat up, and looked around the room, taking in the fact that he was in his own bed in his own house. Looking at the time on the clock next to his bed that read 6:37 a.m., he started to take his flannel and t-shirt off as well as his black jeans and slowly walked over to his bathroom. The blonde looked in the mirror and saw his hair was matted down on his forehead with sweat, and had deep, purple bags under his eyes. He groaned and sat down on the toilet and took a few deep breaths as he suddenly felt dizzy. Luke felt like he was about to breakdown with how bad he felt at that moment. His chest heaved and a tear fell down his face. He could feel the fever raging through his body as more tears fell down his face. The door to the bathroom opened, and Luke looked up to see Ben in the doorway. The older boy looked confused as to why he was hearing someone crying from the bathroom until he saw the state that Luke was in. "Aw, little bro, you look terrible." He came over and rested his hand on Luke's forehead. "Shit, that feels high. Why didn't you say anything last night when mom picked you up at the airport?" "I thought it was just because we were traveling so much yesterday," Luke said, his voice raspy. Ben opened one of the drawers and pulled out a thermometer and stuck it in his little brother's mouth. "I'll be right back, stay here bud," and with that he left the bathroom. Luke just sat there, thermometer in his mouth, resting his head on the side of the counter. A few minutes later, Luke's mom walked in and went over to her youngest. "Aw, my poor baby." She took the thermometer from Luke's mouth and read the number. "103.6, that's not good." Liz sighed and looked back at Ben. "When do you have to leave?" "I have to be in in about a half hour. What about you?" Ben responded. Liz sighed again and ruffled Luke's hair before looking back at Ben. "I have a meeting this morning that I can't miss, but I don't want to leave him alone like this." "We can call the boys to come over and watch him. I mean they were going hang out today anyways, I'm sure that they will understand," Ben suggested. Liz nodded in agreement, "okay, can you go get Luke's phone and call or text them to come over and that Luke isn't feeling well?" Ben nodded and left the room. Liz turned back to her youngest son and helped him stand up. "Let's get you back to bed, hon. You need to get some rest." As soon as Luke got to his bed he collapsed and let his head touch his pillow as he drifted off to sleep. He barely registered his mom pulling up the blankets to cover his body. *** The next time that Luke woke up, he woke up to the sound of voices. He opened his eyes and looked around the room, but didn't see anyone. So he decided to get up and search for anyone who could get him some water. His throat was burning and he was still really shaky and achy from the fever. He walked out of his room and held onto the railing of the stairs as he carefully made his way downstairs. He saw his bandmates in the kitchen, talking and eating breakfast. Luke then made his way towards the kitchen and leaned in the doorway. "Hey," he tried to say, but it came out as more of a croak. The other boys immediately turned around too see someone who resembled the Walking Dead. Ashton was the closest to Luke so he made his way over to the blonde and reached up to feel his forehead. "Jeez, Lukey, they weren't kidding when they said you were really sick." Luke tried to give him a smile, but he just didn't have the energy. "Yeah, why didn't you say anything yesterday? You look like death," Michael said as he picked up his bowl and placed it in the sink. Calum continued to eat his cereal, carefully watching Luke as the blonde started to sway a bit. "Maybe you should sit down, you look like you're gonna pass out" Calum suggested. Ashton placed his hand on Luke's bicep. The curly haired drummer led his sick bandmate over to the couch in the next room and helped him sit on it. "You need anything? You're shivering," Ashton asked. Luke nodded and asked for water. Ashton looked into the kitchen and motioned for Michael to get some water. Michael came into the living room and handed Luke the glass of water and sat down next to him and put his hand on the younger boy's back. He could feel how hot and sweaty Luke was through the shirt. "I don't feel well," Luke admitted as his eyes filled with tears. He didn't know why he was getting so emotional. "Aw, buddy, you're okay. I think you should take a shower, try to get your fever down. It feels pretty high," Ashton suggested. Luke just nodded, tears still in his eyes, close to breaking down. Calum had finished cleaning up the kitchen and came in to see the boys huddled around a very sick looking Luke. "C'mon I'll help you up there. Ash and Mikey can get the living room set up so we can take care of you and watch movies and still be comfortable." Luke nodded and Calum reached his hand out to help him up, keeping him steady as he started to sway. Together, the two boys headed towards the stairs while the other two began to rearrange the living room. When Calum and Luke reached the bathroom, Luke began to take his clothes off and Calum started the shower. Luke sat down on the toilet and took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Calum saw this and went over and knelt down in front of his friend. "You okay?" he asked. Luke shook his head. "C-can you shower with me? I-I don't know if I can do it myself," Luke said as tears fell down his cheeks. He was feeling worse and worse as the minutes passed. "You sure?" Luke just nodded, looking at the brunette with desperate eyes. With that, Calum stripped down and the two boys got in the shower. Luke felt the water wash over him, cleaning his body of the sweat. Calum reached down and picked up the shampoo and conditioner and gently massaged it into Luke's hair as the younger boy leaned into him. They stood under the water for a few minutes until Luke's shivering got worse. Calum reached over and turned the water off. They stepped out of the shower, Calum still holding onto Luke so he didn't fall over. The bassist then proceeded to dry the other boy off, and help him put on new sweats and a new shirt. When they finished in the bathroom they headed back downstairs to see that Ashton and Micahel had finished setting up. The coffee table had been moved and in its place was a giant makeshift bed with pillows, blankets, snacks, medicine, and a trash can close by, just in case. "Hey, someone is looking a little more human," Ashton said, making Luke smile a little. Michael came over and gave the blonde a hug and guided him over to their setup. "Okay, choose the first movie." Luke looked through the movies before choosing Anchor Man, and proceeded to get under the covers while his bandmates sat down around him. The pain in his throat had steadily been increasing to the point of even swallowing saliva was almost too much pain to deal with. "Ash, my throat hurts too much to swallow," he said in a broken voice. Ashton told Calum to go and make some tea and Michael to pause the movie. The curly haired drummer took his phone out and turned the flashlight on and motioned for Luke to open his mouth and looked at the back of his throat, which was red, swollen, and covered in patches of white. "Damn, Lukey, that looks like strep. I think we need to get you to the doctor's," Ashton said once he saw the back of Luke's throat. "Hey, Mikey? Can you go get the car started? And Cal- forget about the tea, we're taking Luke to the doctors! Go find some shoes for Lukey so we can head out!" Both boys jumped into action while Ashton held onto the shaking, sick boy. Calum came back with the shoes and put them on Luke and the three of them made their way out to the car and headed to the doctor's office. Once they got all signed in, they all sat down to wait. Finally, the doctor called Luke back to the exam room, and he shakily got up and went to the exam room. About a half hour later, he came out with a small piece of paper, holding a prescription. He looked pale and sweaty, and still had tears in his eyes. The three boys went up to him and tried to comfort him as they left the office. "I-I have to pick up some antibiotics in a half hour. The doctor said that I have strep," Luke said as soon as they got in the car. Ashton just nodded and started the car up to head over to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine. When that was done, they went back to the house and Luke got comfortable again. Calum went to heat up some soup for Luke to eat with his antibiotics, and the other two boys began cuddling Luke, who was trying his best to stay awake. Calum came back in with the soup, and got Luke to eat a few spoonfuls of it. After taking the antibiotics, Calum sat down with the others and Luke soon fell asleep, gratefull that he had his bandmates and friends there with him to help him get better.

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