Not-So Typical Conversations

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It was late. Hera's lights had dimmed long ago, but she just ignored it. She had, had many conversations about her choice. First with Ezra and Zeb.

"Are you crazy?" Ezra asked, throwing his short arms in the air. "Hera you can't do this! You don't want to be a, dancer," Zeb scowled, agreeing with Ezra.

"Look, I'm touched that you both care, but this is my choice. And I'm choosing to keep this crew safe." She replied, walking down the hallway, away from the two.

"Hera, you're a part of this crew too," Ezra protested, crossing his arms. "Yeah, you won't be safe, Jabba doesn't treat people very well," Zeb agreed. Hera shook her head, then opened the room door. "Come on you two, you need your sleep," she instructed, then she turned and walked to the end of the hallway, into her room.

But the conversations didn't end there, because stepping out of the bathroom was Sabine. She was ready to sleep, but she had to talk to Hera first.

"Hera, why are you doing this?" Sabine asked, walking over to Hera, who was seated on her large bed. "Sabine, I -"

"Please don't leave me alone with just boys!"

"Sabine, you're more than capable of handling these boys, they need all the help they can get," Hera smiled, holding Sabine's hands.

Sabine sniffled, her eyes weren't glassy yet, but soon would be. Hera pulled Sabine to sit beside her on the bed.  "We can find a way to defeat the Empire, we'll get the rest of the fleet and we'll destroy them," Sabine claimed, looking at Hera.

"Yes, that sounds like a plan. I'll just slow the Empire down for awhile. Because instead of two Jedi, they're not getting any, that will surely put a blip in their plans," Hera explained, "Then, as soon as I leave, get The Ghost out of here, somewhere far away, then wait until it's right to attack. Gather as many supporters as you can." Hera smiled, knowing Sabine would follow her orders.
"But what about our plan to find out more about my family?" Sabine asked.
"Take the crew to Mandalore, find out as much as you can." Hera answered.
Sabine nodded, then reached forward and hugged Hera. Sabine then stood and started toward the door.

"Goodnight Hera." She said, then left Hera to her thoughts.

Now after all the talking, Hera stood and grabbed her nightgown, one last time. She removed her helmet and gloves before stepping into her bathroom. Again she turned the water to hot, it was the last time she'd ever get to do this. She climbed into the shower and felt her green tint turn red, but she barely felt it. She stayed in the shower for a long time, thinking of what she'd be doing at this same time tomorrow. As she shut the water off, she noticed a familiar scene start to play out.

"Are you going to make a habit of this?" She asked, snatching her towel.

"That depends. Are you going to actually leave?" Kanan asked, leaning against the door frame, crossing his arms.

"I am." She replied, stepping out from the steam.

"Well then I guess I'm not," he muttered back.

He was wearing his old fashioned robes again, a single loose tan shirt, with darker pants. His hair wasn't down, he kept it neatly in the ponytail. She knew he couldn't see her, but she still grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face the other way. If his eyes didn't sting he would've rolled them. As she finished putting her nightgown on, she turned to him. "Alright, what can I do for you?"

"We should talk," he sounded more serious than normal. She sighed and followed him to sit on her bed, she knew he wasn't going to be in favor of her rash decision. She sat and watched him lift his head from his hands.

"What are you doing Hera?" He demanded, turning to face her.

"I'm saving your butt, as usual." She replied, crossing her arms.

"Well Erza and I don't need to be saved. We'll just forget about the deal, just fly The Ghost away -"

"Kanan, you know I can't do that, if we did just run away, then bounty hunters and the Empire would be looking for us. It's better this way," Hera muttered.

"Better for who?" Kanan asked, his voice raising.

"The crew, You -"

"No Hera, I don't think this is going to make me feel better!"

"It's not supposed to make you feel better, it's suppose to save you!"

"I don't need saving -"

"Yes you do!" Hera shouted, jumping too her feet,  her voice sounding harsh and sad.

The room went silent, Hera swallowed the lump in her throat and placed her head in her hands, leaning over the bed side. Kanan deeply sighed, then turned to her.

"Fine," he whispered, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you've made your decision." Kanan said, he knew she'd already made her decision, but he wanted her to look him in the eyes before she left.

Hera raised her head, sitting up and turning to him. Kanan gulped and hung his head down, then brought it back up.

"Look me in the eyes,"

Hera's green eyes widened, then she suddenly sprang from the bed. "No, no no, Kanan I-"

"Hera, I'm never going to see you again. Please." He whispered the last part. Hera turned her head to face Kanan, her eyes were growing glassy. She gulped as she sat back down beside him. Her lips parted as she reached back to press the blindfold off. As the cloth slide from Kanan's face, his eyes were revealed. The once bright blue, was now faded, almost white. The area around his eyes were scorched red, covered with scars. Hera hovered a hand over one scar, the heat form the lightsaber drifted up from the scar to her finger. She brought her hands to touch his unscarred cheeks. She began to move her hands towards the scars, lightly brushing her gentle fingers over one. Kanan flinched at the touch, the pain shot through him, but he remained calm and still.

Hera lightly placed both hands on his smooth cheeks, away from the scars. Kanan's eyes were looking straight into her's, but Kanan still could not see her beautiful face. She silently sniffled, then leaned forward. She gently held his face with her small hands, he might not have been able to see her, but he sensed her coming closer. Kanan leaned forward, and at the same time their lips met in a kiss. Their lips remained locked for several minutes,  the softness of Hera's lips were smooth against his rough lips. As they pulled away, they leaned their foreheads against each other.

"Well, now I really don't want you to leave," Kanan whispered, with a smirk.

Hera smiled, looking at him. She rolled her bright green eyes then shoved his right shoulder, and he fell backwards, landing on the soft blankets. 

She shook her head, leave it up to Kanan to ruin a moment.

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