Chapter 4

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Your pov

           You woke up from bed. 'Day 3...' you thought. You got up to see Anti sleeping on the floor again. You decided to leave him alone today and let him sleep.

           You went down stairs and made pancakes, sausage, eggs, and bacon. Anti ran down stairs after the food was done. He tripped on the way down.
             You laughed at him, and he glared at you. He got back up and walked to the food and started eating. You just ate and sat there looking at him. 'He's so cute...' you thought. 'No (y/n) you need to get those thoughts out of your head, he's going to kill you.' You thought again.

                "Earth to (Y/n)!" Anti waved his hand in front of your face.

                 "Yea?" You blinked.

                "Ok I was just making sure because you were staring at me so..." He said.

                 "Oh sorry." You blushed.

                 You did the dishes while Anti was doing 'demon business.' You finished doing the dishes and you walked into your living room to see something you didn't expect. Standing in front of you was Dark.

                 He looked at you with a sad smile and walked over to you, "Hello (Y/n)..."

                  "Dark?" You asked.

             Suddenly all your memories flooded your head. You were looking at your mom and dad. They where crying, and you were being dragged away from them. "Mom! Dad!" You were yelling, "you can't take our daughter away!" Your dad was yelling.

                    "Yes I can Dark." A strange voice said.

                      "I want my daddy!" You were yelling.

                      "You'll never see your dad again (Y/n)." He laughed evilly.

                       (End of memories)

                "Dad..." you started crying.

              You ran over to him and hugged him, still crying.

                  "I missed you so much (Y/n)." He hugged you back.

                   "He said I wouldn't be able to see  you again." You cried.

                    "It's been 19 years (Y/n) since I have seen you." He said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

                     "Why is everyone trying to kill me dad?" You asked.

                     "Your my daughter and I'm a demon. You were born to be more powerful than the devil. The day you were taken away by Lucifer, my friend Anti, you don't know him, tried to calm me down." He explained.

                  That last part freaked you out. He doesn't know anti was sent here to kill you. You kept your mouth shut about Anti.

                  "Oh..." Is all you said.

                  Dark was facing the kitchen and you were facing the door when you were hugging. You guys were still hugging when anti teleported in front of you. You signaled for him to go and he teleported to your room.
                 You guys broke your hug and Dark looked around.

                     "Wow you really have a big house don't you. Your mother would of liked this." Dark said.

                      "Dad who is my mother?" You asked.

                      "I can't tell you that now (y/n) I will tell you soon though, right now I have to go." He explained.

                       "Ok bye dad." You whispered.

                       "Bye (Y/n)." He said then teleported away.

                Anti came down stairs looking at you confused.

                    "Was that Dark?" He asked.

                     "Yes, and you know what you're probably going to get murdered by him after you kill me because he doesn't know your here so good luck to you!" You said in a hysterical voice.

                     "Ok! Calm down (Y/n)." Anti said.

                   You just stayed silent for a while and walked into the kitchen. You got water and went to your bedroom. You drank all the water and then passed out on your bed.

                           Anti's pov.

              She went into her room and shut the door. Wow. She really got mad, but why was she so hysterical that I was going to probably die. I don't know. I teleported into her room and watched her sleep.

              The soft rise and fall of her breathing, it calms me down, her smile is so pretty and it always makes me happy. Why am I falling for this girl. I have to kill her in four more days.

                   Teleported out. 'What should I do' I thought. I decided I was going to go out killing. I teleported to a random house.

                    'Ok' I thought. I teleported into the house and grabbed out my knife. It was really late at night now so every one was sleeping.

                    I went to the closest bedroom door and opened it. Inside was a about ten year old boy. I went over to him and cut his throat. Dead. I went to the next room and saw a girl about the same age as (Y/n). I stabbed her in the heart. Dead. I went to the last room to see the parents I stabbed the dad in the chest and he let out a yell. The mom woke up and screamed. I stabbed her in the throat to shut her up. Both dead. I started to laugh.

              I teleported back to (Y/n)'s place to see that she was awake.

                   (Time skip to the afternoon by the way it's the next day)
                     Still Anti's pov

              (Y/n) was crying really hard right now and she won't tell me why. She just pointed at the tv but it wasn't on. I turned it on and it was on the news. The people I murdered last night were there.

                   "(F/n)!" She cried, "was murdered last night! She was my best friend" that's all she could say before she was crying so hard.

                Crap. I just murdered her best friend. When is she going to find out. I was trying to find my knife. Shoot!!! I left it there. She saw the murder weapon and stared at it.

              Her face went red in minutes, "you," she growled," murdered my best friend!" She screamed.

               "(Y/n)..." I tried to say sorry.

              "No, you will get out and I do not want to see you until the last day I live." She yelled.

                A tear rolled down my cheek and I just teleported away. I didn't teleport to far just outside the house. I heard her scream again.

                What have I done?

Oooo Anti just made a huge mistake. Will she forgive him or will she keep her word. You will find out in the next chapter.

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