Chapter 19. Plan of attack.

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Wilfords pov

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I don't know, I'm freaking out, a million things are going through my mind." She puts her hands on face.

"It's ok (Y/n)... Why are you here anyways?" I asked.

"Lucifer... I don't know what to do about him, I came here to think and ask for help." She removed her hands from her face.

"Ok well, are you thinking about killing him?" I asked.

"Yes but I don't have a plan..." She trailed off.

"What about the ipliers and the septiceyes? Would they help?" I looked at her.

"I don't know I already killed one of each..." She looked at me.

"W-what?!" He looked surprised.

"Lightiplier and Lightsepticeye. They said that they were going to kill me because of my other half." She explained.

"Ok well I don't think the others want to kill you. We can get together and ask them if you would like." You looked at the ground.

"Ok, thanks." She agreed.

I teleported out of the room to go get the others.

Your pov

He teleported out of the room, and I was left alone. I looked around and saw different kinds of weapons. Geez... he really has a lot.

"(Y/n) what are you doing at Wilfords?" Anti finally found you.

"Help." You replied.

"With what?" He looked concerned.

"Killing Lucifer..." You looked at him.

"And? What are we going to do about him?" He squinted his eyes.

"Getting all the ipliers and the septiceyes together." You walked over to him.

"That's not a bad idea, when is he going to get back?" He hugged you.

"Don't know." You shrugged.

You kissed him and he kindly kissed back. You parted and sat on Wilfords couch. Anti sat next to you and you put your head in his lap and fell asleep.

Anti's pov.

She fell asleep on my lap. Dang she is so cute. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.

(Time skip)

Dang it how much longer is this guy going to take. I guess it's a lot.... There are like over 100 ipliers and only like 25 septiceyes. Yea there are not a lot of us.

(Y/n) was still sleeping in my lap. Wilford teleported into the room with a lot of people. Holy crap.

(Y/n) slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

"Shit." She commented.

"We are all here, so what's your idea (Y/n)?" Wilford walked over to us.

"I have an idea." She smirked. (I actually don't XD)

(Time skip after a lot of explaining.)

"Ok?" (Y/n) looked at everyone.

"Yes." They all said.

"Good so meet here tonight at midnight." She looked at everyone.

They all nodded and teleported away. I rapper my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She replied.

"Wilford we are going to go home, we will see you tonight." She waved goodbye.

"Ok see you guys." He looked at her.

I teleported back with with my beautiful (Y/n). She looked pretty tired. She laid on the bed and told me to lay down with her.

She set an alarm just in case and we fell asleep. I woke up and saw that she was still sleeping. It was 10:55 pm. I am scared. I don't want her to get hurt.

I looked at her for a while and smiled. She was so beautiful. I can't believe I am with her. She completely changed me from an psychotic murderer to a loving and caring demon.

Dark's pov

I'm so worried about (Y/n). She is trying to kill the most powerful person in the world. I don't want her to get hurt.

I was her meeting, and the plan was pretty good. Doesn't make me stop worrying.

I have a feeling that someone is going to get hurt. Someone she cares about. I don't know.

Your pov and time skip.

You teleported to Wilfords and got ready. You were scared. You didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Everyone was there and we all teleported to hell. We followed the plan to get in his palace and it worked. We walked through the ipliers were not with us, neither was the septiceyes. All part of the plan.

You, Wilford, Dark, and Anti walked to his throne room. We pushed the door open and saw him sitting in his throne.

"Interesting to see you guys." He glared at you.

Hey guys so this is the next chapter hope you enjoy! I got the idea of the chapter from @FNAFLOVER777  thank you so much. Writers block is not good XD but thanks for reading and I will see you guys soon!

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