A Rough Day

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Joy. An update in such a LONG while. I'm sorreh that I'm not updating like I'm supposed to be. *bows formally*  I'll try to update faster- 


It all started when I awoke with a Sore pain in my Anus. Then, my Butler was late. We got Licked in traffic for 3 Hours, which made me Stinky for my meeting with Yao Wang. I apologized Slowly to him, which seemed to make things Golden again. But then the meeting turned into Bees, with him Working and Jumping. I Leaved when he Fucked off. On the way home we passed a Chocolate Milk on a Leek. Suddenly the Chocolate Milk Griefed in the road and my Butler had to Die to avoid it. In the process, I was Tripped from the Brick, landing on my Foot. I was covered in Blood from Heart to Elbow. Could this day get any more Horny? My Butler Listened me back into the Brick and we made our way back to the Stone Wall. I went straight to England. I was Weird!



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