Episode 1: Teleportation, and Notes

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Third Person Pov:

The akatsuki stared at the pissed off witch infront of them.

She was casting some kind of curse on the bound people that glared at her.

They had been told that this was what they got for pissing her off. Thing is...The didn't even know her. Let alone what they did to piss her off, last time they checked they hadn't messed with any witches.

Next thing the akatsuki knew they were covered in a hue that matched their hair color. Then they got smaller, and smaller. Looking at each other they realised that the bitch had turned them into babies!!!

"Oh. I won't leave you this way." The witch cooed. "I'll send you a nice girl to play mommy for awhile." She smiled. "And you'll grow at an exceptional rate. You'll be back to your old selves the end of this year." She cooed once more at the glaring baby akatsuki.

"Sit there." She told them. The baby version of the akatsuki glared at the woman infront of them. 'Exactly where are we gonna go?' They asked her mentally.

The witch leaned over a pot that had blue smoke coming off of it. "Perfect. She will play mother to the akatsuki for the rest of the year." The which chuckled at the unsuspecting light purple haired girl.

The girl's name was Tskumi ((Sk-OO-Me)). She was 5'4, and 18 years old. She had cyan eyes, and light purple hair. Her curves were perfect, and her body was soft, and toned. Her chest carried most of her weight seeing as how it was so big. The girl had a body made for sin, plus she seemed like the perfect mother.

Said girl was watching Naruto Shippuden for the fourth time when a message popped up. The message said:

File-Naruto Shippuden-Loading Document..

Please wait

/////////////////////////////////////100% Loading Complete.

Entering Naruto Shippuden.

"What?" Tskumi mumbled out loud to herself blinking several times. The seventh time she blinked she was in the akatsuki base.

She blinked again not believing where she was. She pinched herself like any rational Naruto addict would if they were sucked into Naruto Shippuden. She looked down, and realised that there were babies around her feet. Nine babies to be exact. Nine babies who looked like the Akatsuki.

They were new borns, and they layed on their backs staring at the girl who would be their new mom.

She blinked at them, then looked at the table which had a note on it.

"Dear Tskumi, you will play mother to the Akatsuki until they become their old selves again. Everything you will need until they are back to normal is in their rooms, meaning diapers formula, and other baby things. Food is in the kitchen. It automatically starts to replenish itself when you remove something. Oh by the way. I cast a spell in you so you will lactate ((Meaning make milk like an actual mother of newborns.)), and be able to feed them. You know their names. Oh and you're a ninja, your skills are natural, and you will do jutsu automatically. Good luck.

Love the witch who changed them, and brought here. By the way welcome to your permanent home. I can't send you back."Tskumi read aloud. She glared at the letter as if it was the one who wrote the words she just read.

'Well not like I knew anyone who would miss me.' Tskumi thought then shrugged. She picked two of them up, and quickly found a nursery with nine baby cribs in it. She sat the babies down in the crib that had their names on it. She brought two babies at a time.

Soon they were in their cribs. Tskumi sat in the rocking chair.

Then she spotted another note in the changing table. "All of your thing's are here. Walk through the blue door in the right side if the room. I created your dream room for you. Enjoy. Love the witch who changed the akatsuki, and brought you here." Tskumi read to herself.

Looking up she spotted a crystal blue door. She walked through.

The walls were painted midnight blue with a mural of a midnight pond scene on them. The bed was white with cyan blue covers with silver designs.

She smiled at the perfection of the room. When she heard the cry of a female baby. Konan to be exact.

'Guess it's time to play mommy.' Tskumi thought as she went to get Konan.


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