Random girl #3 +TAGGED

259 27 13

Hay guys and gals,

radiomeddows tagged me to do this thing so let's do this!

1) Favourite food?
I like beans and pizza alot, not together tho.

2) Favourite band/artist?
The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Guns N Roses, Queen, Van Halen and many more...

3) Favourite ship?
Maylor, Dick Bagger, McLennon

4) Do you like being tagged?
Yes, I like it, but sometimes I'm too lazy to answer the questions.

5) Greatest fear?
I don't have any great fears, but being kidnapped doesn't sound fun.

6) Fave colour?
I love all colours but especially dark green and dark blues

7) Fave poster?
I have 2 favourites:

7) Fave poster?I have 2 favourites:

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8)Fave show?Bones FameEndeavour ScrubsHow I met your MotherAnd more

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8)Fave show?
How I met your Mother
And more.....

9) Tea, Coffee or neither?

10) Soda pop or water?
I like both but it depends

11) Fave sport?

12) Book, or movie based off book?
The Book is the best!!!

13) Do you like to draw?
No, but I do have a whole book dedicated to it.

I'm now tagging:


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