Chapter 27- The Talk

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"Talk about what?" I asked nervously

"Are you seeing Skylar again?"

"Uncle can we not start this"

"Just tell me your not seeing her"

"Okay I'm not seeing her!" I lied

He looked at me like he could see right through my lie

"Fine, I'll start dinner"

"Uncle!" I stopped him

"Yes?" He turned back around

"How was you and mom's relationship?" I asked biting my lip

"Your typical sister and brother type relationship"

"Okay but how did you tr-"

"Justin..enough, I need to start dinner" he walked off without another word

I walked back into my room and dug out the notebooks and continued reading

Dear journal,

Another day, another angry Richard. I'm so tired of his mood swings, and for some reason I get the worst end of it. Mom even threatened to kick him out today. Obviously that made him more angry and he left for a little bit. Mom's calling so I'll come back and write tomorrow.

These journals really made me feel like i was getting reconnected with my mom, and they really helped put me in her shoes. I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, which I thought was a little weird because Im not allowed to have friends and I don't think Richard was expecting someone

I just ignored it thinking it was one of Richards friends and got back to reading the next entry After while I heard talking then the door slam downstairs

"Justin" Richard yelled up the steps breaking me of my thoughts



I walked downstairs and sat down across from Richard and started eating "Who was at the door?" I asked

"Oh funny you bring that up" he said not even looking up

"It was Brian"

My heart immediately started pounding

"Yeah..what did he want?" I think my sweating was noticeable

He looked up glaring at me. "Oh just that you stayed over at their house while I was on my business trip" good job Brian, 2 for 2 I thought to myself

"Oh..well Yeah Skylar was afraid of-"

"Save it Justin!" He threw his fork down "she's ruining you!"

"No she's not uncle! ..She's saving me.." I sighed at the last part

"Clearly not...ever since you met that girl you've been lying, sneaking around, fighting more, and going against me"

I looked down without saying another word

"Justin your going to go on a business trip for me for a while"

"What!"I shot up. "I don't even know what you do" as funny as that sounds it's true.

"Just start packing your bags tonight. You leave in the morning"

"But what about school!"

"You can miss a couple days you'll be fine"

"But what about-"

"Skylar?" He finished for me

I sighed "Yeah"

"She'll be fine without you. And you need time away from her"


"Not discussing this anymore Justin, you leave early tomorrow so I'd go get some sleep"

I ran up stairs and threw myself on my bed so mad I could punch a hole right threw Richards face

"Do you need help packing?" Richard asked

"Not from you" I said harshly

"Look, you'll thank me later" he walked out

"Don't count on it!" I yelled at him

"Night Justin, see you in a couple days!"

And after that, all was silent

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