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Fantasy Core is left in the shadows.
It's innocence corrupted
But its not over yet
And Destiny's the only one who can save it
Will she have the strength to save her friends?
To restore lost hop...
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It used to be a good place...
Our Home...
It was a cute little world called Zillionz, in the Galaxy of Fantasy Core. Anything was possible there. You could be whoever and what ever you wished. There, you were free.
But these days...things just aren't the same...
Ever since the Darkness took over Princess Roselyn's Kingdom...it all fell apart.
Our bright vibrant colors became dull and blank. Innocent creatures have been corrupted into monsters. Fear terrorizes our loved ones. Crime lurks around the allies of every town. Insanity grows with everyday. Hopes and Dreams have been shattered, and Magic has been banned...
It's like we're all held as prisoners.
Prisoners to the darkness. And we are powerless to fight back.
But, Legend has it, only one brave spirit has the power to defeat the darkness, once and for all.
That small hope, it kept us living...despite how bad things have gotten.
And finally...one glorious day,
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