Me and Hoodie hugs

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Me: Hey Hoodie get your butt in here we have a dare

Hoodie: *peeks in* what is it this time

Me: Someone dared me to hug you

Hoodie: Who dared you to hug me

Me: Someone I just asked that person and you have to wait and please *starts to walk up to Hoodie*

Hoodie: *backs up* no you are not going to hug me

Me: Hoodie it's a dare so you have to

Hoodie: No stay away from me

Me: But Hoodie I'm going to start making everyone do stuff if they don't do the dares

Hoodie: *starts running away but I tackle him* 

Me: Hoodie you have to because it's a dare

Hoodie: Fine *gives me a hug* 

Me: Now was that so hard

Hoodie: Yes, yes it was

Me: Oh ha ha Hoodie very funny

Hoodie: Yep :)

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