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It felt as if I was being stabbed in the heart with a thousand knives. I ran into the garden and plopped down onto a log, tucking my knees up to my chest. I couldn't hold the tears in any longer. I wept into my hands, my head pounding. I couldn't seem to erase the image from my brain. It was like a catchy song that you hate, yet you can't get out of your head. I sobbed and sobbed until I had no more tears left to cry. I relaxed my shoulders and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I looked down at my red, bandana print shirt. I wasn't good enough, I would never be good enough. She was prettier than me, taller, thinner, hair glossier, eyebrows perfectly filled, nails perfectly manicured. Why would he want me when he could have her? She was perfect. I breathed heavily, feeling the need to punch something. I had almost calmed myself down, but my thoughts had gotten me all worked up again. I tore Aspen's necklace off and threw it to the ground. It made a loud clinking noise as it hit the gravel. "Elita? There you are! We've been looking for you everywhere! We figured it out!" Cassie exclaimed. "Just leave me alone, please!" I begged, feeling a fresh batch of tears well up in my eyes. "No Elita. And you need to leave this on," Cassie instructed, picking the necklace up off the ground. "I don't want that," I said, my yeeth clenched. "Well you need it to keep safe from the Hiats, now take it," Cassie insisted, holding it out to me. "Fine!" I agreed, giving in. I felt so angry, yet so weak. I slipped the necklace back on reluctantly. "There, are you happy? Now leave me alone," I said again. "No Elita, we figured it out. We figured out how to get you your powers!" Cassie exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement. "Cassie, I don't want them," I replied, clenching my fists impatiently. Why can't everyone just leave me alone? "Well too bad!" Cassie said. That was it, I couldn't take it anymore. "Go away!" I yelled. The voice that came out of my mouth was unfamiliar to me. It was deep and almost robotic. As I said it my arms flew out in front of me. A strange noise erupted from my hands. Cassie flew back and fell to the ground. I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth in shock. I stepped back, staring at Cassie's unmoving body. "What have I done?" I wondered aloud. It came out as a faint whisper. "Cassie?" gasped Sophia, who seemed to have appeared from out of nowhere. "Elita, what happened?" she asked me, her eyes wide. "Stand back! Get away from me!" I replied, stepping back. I looked down at my shaking hands. Sophia kneeled down next to Cassie. "Cassie?" she asked hopefully. "I am so sorry, I can't-I have to go!" I rambled, running away. "Elita, wait! Don't go!" Sophia yelled after me. I ignored her and continued running. I had to get away from all of this, I had to get away from everything! I ran back into the school at top speed. I flung the door to my room open forcefully and scrambled in, nearly slipping. I yanked my purple drawstring bag off the bedpost and began throwing things into it. Some extra clothes, a water bottle, a couple books about the history of the school and finally the sketchbook, a.k.a. my mother's secret journal. I threw the bag of supplies over my shoulder and grabbed a scrap piece of paper. I rummaged around for a pen and finally managed to find one under the bed. I wrote a note. "I'm sorry. –Elita" it read. I set the note on my bed and walked cautiously out of my room. Once I got outside I began to walk towards the woods. I wanted so badly to run, but I didn't want to waste any energy. I noticed a flock of birds in the distance. I was free now, just like them. I walked for awhile before I started to get exhausted. I stopped and just stood there, in the middle of the woods. Tears that I hadn't known were coming began to spill form my eyes and run down my cheeks. The breeze hit my wet face, making me shiver. I lifted my arms into the air slowly before flying into the air. I wasn't only able to levitate inanimate objects and people, but myself as well. I flew through the air, levitating myself high off the ground, before falling back to earth. I stood up slowly, shaken. I had taken a hard fall. I dusted myself off and continued walking. A couple minutes later I came to a steep, sloping drop. I didn't hesitate to lift myself into the air and sail over the gap. I cleared it easily, landing on my feet this time. I tried to shake the thought of Cassie out of my head, but my conscience kept reminding me of my terrible crime. I just kept reminding myself that it was ok now, that I could never hurt my friends again, because I was gone and I was never coming back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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