Chapter 3

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~I'm gonna skip a little, so it's after One Direction was formed.~

Being in a band with these boys and living in the X-Factor house has offered a little bit of a distraction from thinking of Harper. But every morning I still wake up and have a feeling of emptiness upon me as I slowly get up and ready for the day. The boys know about Harper, they knew before I told them because they said they saw me on the news. But this morning, when I woke up I felt like something good was gonna happen. We had a show last night so today was a relaxing day before we had to start practicing for next weeks show tomorrow. 

I got up and took a shower before walking downstairs and joining everyone for breakfast. When we sat down Liam said, "Oh Harry. Your mom called. She needs you to call her back immeditally." The first in  my mind is Harper, so instead of calling her then and there, I grabbed my phone off the counter and rushed into the living room. I dialled her number, and listened as it rang. I could feel my hands shaking as she picked up. "Harry! I have good news! They know who took Harper, and they're pretty sure they know where she is!" I felt my lip wobbling before I was even able to say anything. I burst in to tears and dropped to my knees in relief. "My baby!" I cried out. "Is she alright!" I got out through my sobs. "She's a little malnurished probably, but Harry we don't have her yet, they have to be careful about how they go about doing this. There's an infants life involved in this." I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me. "I just want her back mom! Why did they have to take her from me?" I let out. 

"I don't know sweetheart. But the lawyer told me when she called and said you probably could have her back by the end of the week!" I whimpered in happiness. "Really?" I managed to get out. I could hear the smile in her voice as she answered "Really Harry. Now I need to go, but I'll call you as soon as we know more." We say our goodbyes and 'I love you's' before hanging up. I sat on the couch and cried into my hands and I felt someones hand on my back and looked up and saw Louis sitting next to me. "What happened, Haz? Why are you crying?" I let out a whimper and manage to say the three words I've been wanting to say for so long.. "They found her!" He gasped and pulled me into a hug and I cried tears of relief into his shoulder. "It's all okay now Harry. I promise.." Louis said.


The week dragged on and on. The only thing keeping me distracted was rehearsing for the next show. The first call from my mom had come on Sunday and I heard from her again and she said that they knew for sure where Harper was and were gonna make there move on Sunday because they had been studying the person who took and they never left their house on Sunday. 

When Saturday came around, I was anxious as heck. Simon knew what was going on and I was set to go back to Holmes Chapel after tonights show. The performance went great and after we got throught to the next live show. I left with my mom after everyone wished me good luck. 

We went home and I went straight to bed, as I was to nervous to eat. When Sunday morning came around I went into Harper's abandoned nursery and made sure everything was perfect for when my little girl finally got home and I laid out her going home outfit. 

I put her carseat in the car and grabbed her bag as we headed to the police station as they said we had to have a meeting while everything was going down. If she wasn't hurt, they'd just bring her there instead of the hospital.

As the police were talking, my leg was shaking nervously. My mom had my hand in a tight grip as we talked and waited. When the police asked if we were pressing charges, I got mad. "Yeah we're pressing charges! Why wouldn't we?! They took my baby from me!" My moms grip on my hand tighten, and the police smiled sympethically. "Sorry it's protical to ask. You'd be surprised how many people say no." I frowned as I looked at the clock. We'd been here for an hour and a half already. 

We signed a bunch of papers and were given a court date. We were put in waiting room. Where we waited another hour. I was really anxious and couldn't stop pacing the room. "Harry stop pacing, your creating a draft." Gemma said, "Gemma be nice. Harry, sit down, they are probably on their way now." I let out a heavy sigh and sat down only to stand right back up when I heard a door outside open and a loud baby cry. Gemma, my mom and Robin all stood up as I almost ripped open the door and ran out and saw an officer holding a small baby wrapped in a blanket. He looked up and smiled and I knew, that the baby he was holding was my little girl...

Little Harper Elaine...

Give and Take (Harry Styles *Larry Stylinson**Mpreg*)Where stories live. Discover now