A New beginning

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I was sitting in Old Avery Tavern for hours. Warm summer breeze was playing with my dark locks. Usually, I'd do my Best to keep 'em tied up in my bandana,but Now everyone around me was too piss drank to Even care about who I really am. I understood them,actually. Blackbeard was our Pirate leader for years,and Now,he...was gone.

I was certain that we'd sooner or later have  to find a New Captain to Queen Anne's Revange. I already could hear Jack screeming:"Hey,I need better ship that schooner of mine. Let me Take Queen Anne's Revange."

Vane'd be in too,tho he was pretty Annoyed by brig of his,Ranger.

And of course,Kenway. He actually didn't need a ship,but he was too greedy and selfish to say no to such a lovely frigate as Queen Anne.

I personally didn't want that ship. I had my dear ship,Revange. Yeah,it was a schooner,and yeah Kenway was already teasing me so much about him,but that ship had more heart then any pirate around here. And certainly looked much better then any of 'em.

"So,shall We decide who'll be New Captain of Queen Anne's Revange?",asked Vane as he took another gulp of rum from his glass. "Of course,and I am going to be the one.",shouted Calico who was sitting right between me and Edward.

"Oh rot! This'll lead no-god damn-where.", I said with my usual Annoyed smirk,"Let's just give it to Tatch's Quatermaster."

"Oh c'mon,Kidd. I'm sure you,at least as much as us,want better ship than that little shite of yours.",teased Charles,and then everyone fell silent. There was  only one Reason of it. I threw my glass on floor and jumped on my feet,letting everyone know that I was ready fir fight. "Don't you dare callin' Revange shite again,Vane.",I hissed with hate in my eyes. "Cool down,Kiddo. Yer too much in love with your schooner. I Guess that's a Reason why no woman is around ye."

I really wanted to punch him for that,but someone's hand caught mine before I could Even try. "Take it easy,Jim.",said Edward with serious face,"He's just an old drunkard. He didn't really mean what he said." Only than I relized that he is perfectly Sober. Why didn't he say a Word about Queen Anne's Revange? I questioned myself,He surely want it. Or at least he wantED it."Ok,ok,Kenway I'll let him live. But only 'cause you said so."

"Fine. Let's Now finally decide who'll be that Famous New Captain of Blackbeard's ship." He turned around like he was looking for something. Or someone."Oy Anne. Come 'ere. We need your help." Redhead Quickly steped back from Jack,who Seconds before was trying to flirt with her,and turned to us. "What is it Edward? Need some more rum? Or you are just jealous of Jack?" I smiled at her. Maybe she was Tavern wench only 16 or 17 years old,but she really knew how to make fun of Kenway. "C'mon Annie," Edward protested,"I said we need your help.Jim,Vane,Rackham and I are wondering who would be the best for New Captain of Ed Tatch's ship. So,I Guess you can help us."

"Oh. Well,here was No fight in a quite a while,so why don't you fight for it? Or just give it to Tatch's first mate?" Edward looked at me with that shite-eating grin of his. I just shoke my head, letting him know that I didn't want to argue.

"Then let's fight,shall We?",said Calico proudly. He tried to make himself ready to fight,but he was still barely able to stand. "This will be easy. Too easy!" Vane followed Jack,just a little bit more Sober.

Edward sat beside me,and we watched their fight. In one moment,Edward slowly whispered in my ear:"You look so beautiful when your hair is down,you know. I'd like to see you like that more often." After a while,I smile. I've never liked compliments,but this one was different. Instead Of answering him,I simply tied my hair back in bandana.

After a few minutes of 'fight', Vane and Calico were both on floor. "I Guess that Captain will be one of you,then."

"No,We already have our Ships. I will give it to Adé,if you don't mind."Edward smiles,as he softly strokes my hand. We all shake our heads and Edward nods. "Well,I reckon we finally sloved Queen Anne's problem."


As sun set I was sitting on the beach,Edward's hands gently wrapped around my waist. I could hear some kind of tension in his breath. "So,if Adé is leaving with Queen Anne,ye are Captain without first mate,aren't ya?",I questioned him slowly,chosing words very carefully. "I reckon so. Maybe,you would..." "Like to be your New Quatermaster?Hush,Edward I never thought about leaving my own ship for being someone's first mate,but..." "I'd understand if you say no." "...But,I'm sure it'll be much better being your 'partner' on brig than being Captain of schooner. So,I'll give my ship to Anne and- I hate to say it -Jack,and we'll be able to sail of by tomorrow Morning." "And your assassins won't have anything aganist you being so close with me?" "No,but Even if they will,I don't care." He looked into my eyes and I got lost in lovely blue ocean of his eyes. Once again,he held me tightly in his arms as he whispered:" Thank you,Mary. I-I...I love you." I was shocked but Even before I could find words to Answer him,he pressed his soft lips against mine. I could still feel taste of rum on his tounge,which he carefully slipped in my mouth moments ago. After a Seconds I found myself biting his lower lip,marking him as mine.Only mine. "I love ya too,mate.",I couldn't help it,the words just fled off my mouth. Once again,Edward wraped his arms around me and we Fell asleep as that.

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