Entry #3- ThatWeirdGallifrayan

271 8 13

This is @ThatWeirdGallifrayan's entry! It's digital, and looks great! Here is a quick explanation of this picture:
The two characters you see above are two Hetalia characters. One of them represents Winter, (the one on the left) and the other one represents Spring. It's supposed to represent the transition between Spring and Winter, (which I think is a really clever idea), and that Winter goes back and loses friends and popularity, whilst Spring is gaining that. That's a rough idea of this picture for you guys 😂😂
Some of the lines are a tiny bit shaky, but that's okay. The background is a bit messy and on the left side, look at the background, and I noticed that there is a face 😂 But apart from that, this is a really good entry, with a clever idea.

Creativeness : 10
Natural Beauty : 6
Smoothness : 8

Total : 24/30

Well Done!

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