I feel

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I wish there was a way to forgive myself. A way to make me feel like I did something that wasn't... useless, I watch, day after day people die. And it's like it never happened. I can't make him stop, and I can't even befriend him. I'm stupid to even have tried this in the first place.

No, I'm not stupid, nor innocent. It's an act, I don't know how to stop doing it though. I don't even remember why I started. I just... did. I don't even think I know the "real me". I wish I did something, I just want to help, and I- I can't help anyone, not Error, not the other AUs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on him, or trying to reach out to him. I just feel... useless. I don't know if I can keep it up anymore. I start to cry, he isn't here, he's off destroying another AU. another one I failed to protect. Another Sans and Papyrus. But the same Error, and the same fate.

I cry, no I sob. I sob for those I've failed, Papyrus, Error, everyone. It's still so useless. I hear walking, I don't care, I can't care anymore. I hear a voice, his voice "Blueberry?" Error calls my name, sounding worried and confused. I hear him walk quickly to my side, I don't look up at him, my face just stays covered by my hands. "Blueberry," he says calmly, I still refuse to look at him. "Blueberry, why are you crying?"

I don't know why he cares, He doesn't love me, heck, he doesn't even like me! But he continues "Blueberry, tell me why you are crying." I finally look at him, my eyes say it all, the confusion, the worry, the fear. "Error I-" I cry more. I'm pathetic, so much for the magnificent Sans. "I-I can't.. I can't do anything right. I couldn't save those AUs," he stares at me, shocked at my words, "I-I couldn't help you. You seem so broken and I-" he looks at me, like he's in shock. " I Just want to help! B-but I can't I can't even help myself." He doesn't even know how to react, he just stares and stares but suddenly, he laughs. "Ar-are you laughing at me?" I asked him. He laughs a little again. "It's just so funny," he says before walking forward and kneeling down, eye level with me now that he isn't standing. "You think you haven't helped me, blueberry?" He says before putting a hand on my shoulder. "You taught me what it's like to fall in love."

I look up "You-you love me?" I ask, he nods. I didn't think that... 'Error I-" I didn't think that he'd fell the same way- I thought... I thought he hated me. "I-I love you too." I say. He smiles, it's the first time I've seen him actually smile. "Don't you EVER say your useless again." He brings me into a hug. "I'm sorry Error... I... I." he shushes me, and places a finger on my mouth. "Hey Blue... You know what always makes me feel better?" He asks, sounding both happy and sad at the same time, he snaps and a Hershey's kiss appears in his hands."A Hershey's kiss." He holds the kiss up, we both laugh a bit. "I... don't like seeing you cry." He states, looking at me. "Please, no more tears." He adds, I wipe away my tears. "Okay." He helps me up, and I feel... Magnificent  

Errorberry: I FeelWhere stories live. Discover now