Chp 1: Separated from each other

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There was a little village that was known as Phoenix drop. The village was an ever so peaceful place ... for now ...

(Laurance POV) 6 years old

I was sitting under a huge willow tree in the out-skirts of the village, bawling my eyes into my knees. I was crying because a bunch of boys who were bigger then me bullied me about having no parents.

I then heard a twig snapped behind me, I then began to shake hoping it wasn't the boys from earlier. When the person popped out from the side of the tree, I was relived, it was only a girl with black raven hair and hazel Brown eyes. She looked looked around my age. She was wearing a purple shirt with white sleeves, a pair of light brown pants and a pair of black shoes.

 She was wearing a purple shirt with white sleeves, a pair of light brown pants and a pair of black shoes

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(This is what Aphmau looks like. I made it myself! LOL)

"Hey ... are you ok?" The girl asked me as she walked towards me and sits next to me "I-I'm f-fine ..." I lied "I saw how they bullied you ... are you sure your ok?" She asked with more concern in her sweet little voice. I respond with me busting into tears "I-I just w-want t-t-to be alone ... nobody c-cares about m-me ... I d-don't have a f-family and I d-don't even have a friend ...!" I yelled out, not too loud for it to reach the village but loud enough to give the girl a look with sympathy in her eyes.

(Aphmau POV) 5 years old

I was feeling really bad for him. Then a smile grew on to my face "What is your name?" I asked "L-L-Laurance ..." He answered wiping his tears away "Nice to meet you, Laurance! My name is Aff~moo" I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand "Dran it! I always say my name wrong" I said in my mind. I took a stick and spelled my name on the dirt in front of Laurance A-P-H-M-A-U. Laurance read what I spelled on the dirt "Aphmau?" He said "Yea! You got it!" I yelled out and hugged him.

(Laurance POV)

She hugged me ...? She pulled away and I blushed "W-Why did y-you d-d-do that ...?" I asked shyly "Because we're friends now!" She yelled out throwing her arms in the air "W-We are ...?" I asked still confused "You ... do wanna be my friend ... right?" She asked, her eyes started to saddened "Oh ... ok ... I'll leave you alone then ... I'm sorry for disturbing you ..." Aphmau began to tear up, she got up and was about to leave "Wait!" I grabbed her wrist and she faces me "I-I do want to be friends" I said hoping she didn't change her mind, a smile grew on her face and she hugged me really tight this time. I hugged back.

~3 years later~ Laurance is 9 and Aphmau is 8

(Laurance POV)

I was being pushed by a gang of boys. Once I was on the ground, their leader came up to me holding a wooden bat in his hands. He was about to hit me until "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I saw Aphmau, the leader laught "Hah! You need your girlfriend to save you?! What a wimp!" He then turned to Aphmau and was about to hit Aphmau with the wooden bat but Aphmau grabbed the bat with one of her hands and threw it out of the way. She then grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder, she turned to the others "WHO ELSE WANNA GO?!" She threatens. They all shook their heads no and quickly grabbed their leader and ran away.

"Are you alright, Laurance?" She asked with concern, she held out her hand to me. I took it and pulled myself up "Yeah ... just a little bruised" I responded, then out of no where she hugged me "Don't make me worry like that again ... you could of gotten hurt if I didn't show up ..." she starts to tear up on my shoulder, I hugged back "I'm sorry Aph ... I just wish I was strong ... like you ..." Aphmau has been training how to do mortal combat. I felt Aphmau pulled away from the hug and kissed me on the cheek "it's ok ... what are best friends for?" She said, but I always wanted to be more then just friends.

(Third POV)

~5 years later~ Laurance is 14 and Aphmau is 13

All the houses of Phoenix drop were burning down by an internal flames and Aphmau was lucky enough to escape but her parents weren't. Laurance ran out of the Orphanage along with some other orphans who were able to escape. Aphmau and Laurance went separate ways of escaping O'khasis. Laurance came back to the village when the attack was over but Aphmau didn't. Laurance fell to his knees and sobs over losing his best friend ... his only friend ... his love ...


Well, I did not expect the story to sound so emotional, it's sounded much more cooler in my head. But anyways, that is it for chapter 1 and hoped you enjoyed. The next chapter will be uploaded soon. Goodbye guys and STAY HEALTHY!!!


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