Chp 5: Don't tell him ...

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Back with another one!

(Laurance POV)

A guy with sandy blonde hair jumped out of the bushes, he had a huge wound on his chest.

???: "... H-Help ... me ..."

That was all he was able to say before he pass out. Me and Aphmau looked at each other and we both nodded. We ran towards the guy and carried him to our hide out.

Once we made it back to our hide out, I laid the unknown guy on the couch as Aphmau came back with bandages and wrapped it around his wound.

Aphmau: "Hm ... Why does this guy look so ... familiar?"

Laurance: "You've met him before?"

Aphmau: "No but for some reason I feel like I've seen him before ..."

Right when I was about to say something, he woke up. When he saw us, he jumps off the couch and pulled his sword at us.

???: "Wha!?! Who are you?! and ... and what do you want?!"

He was shaking.

Aphmau: "Calm down, you passed out in the woods so we decided to bring you to our place"

???: " Oh ... I'm sorry ... My name is Garroth Ro'meave, what are yours?"

Laurance: "My name is-"

Out of nowhere, Aphmau instantly covered my mouth with her hand.

Aphmau: "Jay! And I'm Vivian"

Garroth: "Pleased to meet"

Aphmau: " Yea! Jay, may we speak in privacy"

Laurance: "Um ... OK ...?"

She drags me to another room. I wonder what Aphmau wants to talk about?

(Aphmau POV)

I dragged Laurance to another room so we can talk in private.

Laurance: "Aphmau, what's wrong?"

Aphmau: "Laurance ... I remember who he is ... his the oldest son of O'khasis ..."

Laurance's eyes shocked wide open, he stood there dead frozen.

Laurance: "His ... his ..."

Aphmau: "Laurance don't tell him. the last thing I want anything to happen is getting caught"

Laurance: "OK ... But I'm not letting my guard down just yet"

Aphmau: "I know. Oh and Laurance ... We need to make a new home if we ever want to live new lives"

He nods. We walked back to Garroth.

Garroth: "So ... What happened to me?"

Aphmau: "You popped out of nowhere with a huge cut on your chest so we brought you here"

He then puts his right hand on his chest, he just realized that he had bandages wrapped around his torso and shirtless. He was laying on the couch, struggling to sit up but his bandage was wrapped up tight like he was tied up with some rope.

Aphmau: "Stop trying to get up, you need rest and besides its getting late, we need some sleep. We both have a big day tomorrow"

Garroth: "What do you mean? What are you two going to do tomorrow?"

Laurance: "We're moving out of this place and build a new home"

Garroth: "Why?"

Aphmau: "Personal reasons"

Garroth: "then I would like to come with you"

Laurance: "What?"

Aphmau: "You sure ...? cause we just met"

Garroth: "Positive"

Aphmau: "Alright, I'll go get the blanket"

He nods. I went to get him a blanket and a pillow as Laurance went to our room. We share the same room together but we had separate beds. Sometimes, I catch Laurance sleeping in my bed hugging me. I wonder why? I went back to Garroth and gave him some blankets and a pillow.

(Laurance POV)

I went to our rooms and lie down on my bed. Aphmau walked in.

Aphmau: "Laurance ... Can I ask you something?"

Laurance: "Ya sure, what is it?"

Aphmau: "Well we're trying our best to change our lives again, but now that we have a Ro'meave with us on our journey ... How do you think it'll turned out?"

Laurance: "I don't know but we still need to find another place to live though otherwise, they'll find us. Anyways, its getting pretty late we need rest for tomorrow.

Aphmau: "*sigh* fine ..."

Aphmau got in to her bed and I got in to mine. I laid my head on the pillow and started drifting to sleep.

I wonder ... How much longer I can keep this up ...

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in awhile, I was too busy studying because I am basically failing Math so yeah ...

But anyways guys, that is it for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it but without further a do, I'm gonna pass out because its like 3 a.m. in the morning.

Goodnight moon! *passes out of exhaustion*

~PixelScratch 💌

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