Chapter 8- Ride With Me

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I hear a knock at the door, Crawford's here. I look at my outfit one last time, White pilladiums, white drop crotch pants, white Long sleeved crop and my hair is out and straightened. Perfect. Finally get to drive my baby.

I walk out of my room but Eva and Teala stop me before I an get to the lounge.

"You and little Collins over there had been spending a lot of time together anything to tell us?" Eva asks raising her eyebrows.

"No-no we're friends." I say honestly, Eva just sighs as she lets me past, I walk to the lounge to see Meredith on her phone doing snapchat filters and Jacinta once again flirting with Crawf.

"Levi." He says happily as he gets up and walks over, I smile as I happily jingle my car key which has little starwars figurines attached to it, he just laughs and shakes his head.

We walk down to the parking lot, I just smile as I lay my eyes on her.

We walk down to the parking lot, I just smile as I lay my eyes on her

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"Daaaayum." Crawf says as he admires her.

"I know right." I say happily as I unlock my car and sit down in my comfy drivers seat. "By the way I run the music in here as well."

"All yours, you have good music taste anyway."

"Too bad I have a headache, guess we'll just have to actually talk and communicate to avoid awkward silences that can't be filled with music."

"You're a weird one."

"And you're a hot one"



"That doesn't make sense."

"So you ready to go apartment hunting with me?" I say with a big smile.

"You're so exited, does Eva know you're planning on moving?" I sigh, I haven't told her yet. I don't want to offend her.

"Not yet, I don't want her to think I'm moving because I don't like her, I defiantly like her! It's just you know. I really want my own place now, also I'm 99% sure Jacinta hates me." Crawford laughs.

"I'm 100% sure. Oh wait Chris is calling,

Hey bro


No! Stop saying that!

Nothing! We're just driving!

I should not have to FaceTime you to prove it

You're only a year older!" Crawford sighs as he turns on FaceTime.

"Heeey Chris!" I say happily.

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