Chapter 18- Seek Me!

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I try to control my breathing as best I can, they're right there. I feel the coldness of the wall on my back, it's over. It's all over. I had a good run.

"Found you!" Issy shrieks, I jump a little. "You still have the weirdest reflexes, I'll never know why you always jump back 10 meters when someone scares you or why you always get into a defensive pose when I throw a piece of paper at you."

"Maybe I'm just born a ninja!"

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"Maybe I'm just born a ninja!"

"Where was she hiding?" Cara asks in her cool accent which is a mixture of Canadian and Australian since she grew up in Australia and now lives in Canada.

"Behind the wall."

"Ok guess I'm counting?" Malia asks in defeat. Yes, yes we are playing hide and seek. We hear the thunder get louder. "Dayum this storm sure is getting serious." Malia says looking outside my window wall in the living room.

"Oh no guess we can't drive back to Malia's! What a shame!" Cara says sarcastically. Cara has her own room in Malia's house since she always stays there when she comes to LA which is actually quiet often with all her business work, I've asked her why she doesn't move here and she always says LA is too fast for her and she prefers the comfort of her home.

Issy's phone starts ringing, she looks at the Caller ID and answers the call.

"Hey!.... We're playing hide and seek....oh ok.....yep.....sure you can come over!....wanna play with us?.....dirty minded li-okay cool bye!"

"Who was it?" I ask suspiciously.

"It was golden, him and they guys are stuck at a shop nearby and they can't get home in the storm so they wanted to crash here for a bit."

"The guys?" I ask wanting to know who else in involved.

"Him Matt Crawf, Andrew was smart enough to leave before the storm started." She says putting her phone on the kitchen bench and putting it on charge.

"Oh, cool."

"1! 2! 3!" Malia yells, shit fuck shit fuck shit shit shit. I run away quickly, I run into my room and I go towards my closet-damn it no one allowed in there during hide and seek. What do I do now? There's not enough time to go back out there and hide! I run down the stairs and I just crouch down on the stair case. Hopefully this works.

I see my bed, I could just go old school and hide under that. Nah can't risk it. If you can't already tell I take Hide and Seek very seriously same as Tag...your it, tag tag you're it. Running through the parking lot he chased me and he would-

"Is anyone in heeeeere?" I hear Malia tease, OK if I'm found now and someone else has already been found the it's okay because I won't loose but if no one else has been found then it's game over! "Really? Miss queen of childish games hid here? Okay come out." Malia says looking at my bed, I try not to laugh as he has to crouch down a check, she curses before leaving.

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