WARNING this is a Ship Moment : My OTPS

172 12 10

~ before I start thus part I want you guys to know I DONT like that hardcore crap Ok.
~ I Keep these ship just a ROMANTIC level meaning ( maybe a 1 or 2 kisses , hugs , flirting , funny , blushing , crying ) NOTHING deeper!!!!

~ So , now that you know lets began ^__^

SHIP # 1: NozoEli (?) I think that's how the names go together(?)

SHIP # 1: NozoEli (?) I think that's how the names go together(?)

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Ship # 2 : Umi & Kotori

Ship # 3 : maki & Nico (?)

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Ship # 3 : maki & Nico (?)

Ship # 3 : maki & Nico (?)

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Ship # 4 : Rin X Hanayo

Ship # 5: before I put this pic please note that this was a theory and that I'm NOT   REALLY with it (?) oh am I?! Well I don't know??and didn't make a big ship pic about it because I want you guys to tell me who should be with who

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Ship # 5: before I put this pic please note that this was a theory and that I'm NOT   REALLY with it (?) oh am I?! Well I don't know??and didn't make a big ship pic about it because I want you guys to tell me who should be with who..

   Ps : and I didn't want to leave Honoka single~~~~~~~~~~~>

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   Ps : and I didn't want to leave Honoka single~~~~~~~~~~~>


This is going to be my wallpaper for my Wattpad

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This is going to be my wallpaper for my Wattpad

Idol Hate™ (complete) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora