TEACHING my cousin to play SIF ( shes 6)

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So my cousin; she came over my house today and she 6 so I tell you she was getting on my nerves a little bit asking if I had games on my phone like GIRL!!! So she was complaining about how BORED she was so she wa my playing SIF and was like OH can I play so as a older cousin I TOUGHT her how to play and her favorite song was the SAME as mine

So my cousin; she came over my house today and she 6 so I tell you she was getting on my nerves a little bit asking if I had games on my phone like GIRL!!! So she was complaining about how BORED she was so she wa my playing SIF and was like OH can...

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Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai; we had fun and I admit even if she was playing one one side amd I was playing on the other we had fun she needs help one the long notes mad the double notes but besides that she's amazing ^_^ we had fun and I'm glad we could hang...

ALSO I has this Kotori Rare right

This one the snow halation Kotori and she was about to cry we I said I had to practice her ( she found out that practice was getting ride of the card ) and I had to fight her to get my iPad back and then I didn't have enough G so I couldn't and th...

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This one the snow halation Kotori and she was about to cry we I said I had to practice her ( she found out that practice was getting ride of the card ) and I had to fight her to get my iPad back and then I didn't have enough G so I couldn't and then she said (liza-the-loser you not gonna be happy when I say this ) she said Hanayo was the ugly... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I STARTED DYING ^_^ OMG WHEN I HEARD THAT I THOUGHT OF LIZA LOOKING LIKE HONOKA


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DIED ( this was a old pic ) i ain't one FaceTime with anyone T-T also she prayed and scouted for me and look what she got me

THIS GIRL IS A SCOUT GODDESS!!!!!and look what else she got me a  Umi you probably thought I was gonna get a another Sr??? Well no

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THIS GIRL IS A SCOUT GODDESS!!!!!and look what else she got me a  Umi you probably thought I was gonna get a another Sr??? Well no

I never understand SIF because the maki is even in the main cards you can get??? I'm just gonna finish playing osu ( oh guys if I haven't told you guys I play Osu ) also guys tell me why I was about to use the bath room and I see 3 BIG OLD DOOD TE...

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I never understand SIF because the maki is even in the main cards you can get??? I'm just gonna finish playing osu ( oh guys if I haven't told you guys I play Osu ) also guys tell me why I was about to use the bath room and I see 3 BIG OLD DOOD TERDS IN THE TOILET NOW I RAN IN TO MY ROOM AND I SWEAR IT LOOKS  LIKE I SAW A GOSHT.....dead.....


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