Okasis Party

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Y/n pov

I carried Scaff to the castle, she played with my hair before turning around and playing with Zane's hair. When we got to the castle Zane said we could do whatever we wanted so I went to look for Gene and Sasha. "GENE, SASHA, GET OVER HERE" I yelled, soon they appeared in my room. "Normally I wouldn't take orders from you, but I'm a bit scared of you right now" Gene said. "Guys, this is Scaff my little, little, sister" Scaff hid behind me. "Oh, Y/n she's so tiny, don't worry we don't bite, at least I don't" she looked at me and I nodded. She ran into Sasha's arms and played with her hair. "Where has she been Y/n, she could have trained with you" Gene said taking the shy Scaff from Sasha. "Zane was watching her, plus she's only part wolf no Shadow Knight in here, I want her to have a normal life. And not one where people are scared of her" Gene nodded. "Are you going to she her to Phoenix Drop" I tensed at the question from Sasha. "Another time, Zane is planning a party for me" as if on cue Zane came in and brought me to a room. I took Scaff from Gene and carried her with me, inside where dresses for the party. "You can choose with one you like, I will be outside getting the party started. I nodded as Zane left, I sat Scaff on a chair while I looked at the dresses, finally I found matching dresses for Scaff and I (Pic above). I held her hand and we walked into the plaza into the party, Gene and Sasha came over, Sasha had a black laced dress and Gene had a black and crimson red tux. "I can't tell if this is a party or a meeting for business" I teased, we laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's a party" Gene said pointing to a giant food supply. "Zane knows me so well, those are all my favorite foods". "Mine to" Scaff said lightly jumping up and down asking Sasha to hold her. "I think Scaff has a favorite" Gene said fake pouting. "No sad I love Gene to" Scaff said giving Gene a hug while in Sasha's arms, we all laughed. "Well, Sasha do you mind watching Scaff during this". "Not at all". "Thanks, now I'm going to help myself to the food" I said walking over to the food where Gene went after Scaff hugged him. "Hi Zane, Gene, whats there to eat". "Nothing much, but we are going to do some games" Gene said throwing me a small plate of cake. "What kind of games" I asked as I started eating the cake. "Like survival related games I guess, and two are you going to use a fork for the cake" Zane asked. "Then I can't do this" I grabbed the cake and set the plate down before smashing the cake in both Zane and Gene's faces. "Y/N" they both shouted. "what, you look great" I said. "Now I have to clean up again" Gene complained. "Not until this happens" Zane said as he grabbed some cake and smashed it in my face. "Yay cake" I said licking my face making the boys laugh. Before I knew it we where having  food battle, if your hit your out, teams of one. Soon it was just Sasha, Gene, Zane and I, Scaff has sat this game out, to mot ruin her dress. I grabbed the full on cake and threw it at Zane, everything went into slow motion as something unexpected happened, Aphmau, Laurance, Dante, and Garroth all walked into the gate and instead of hitting Zane I hit them. Everyone froze in place and looked at the new comers. "Y/N! WHATS GOING ON" Aphmau yelled. "You don't have the power to ask such a question here" I said. "Well neither do you" Garroth said trying to brush the cake off. "Well actually she does, she has mare privileges then you would give her here" Sasha said standing by my side with Scaff sitting on her hip. "I'm still confused, what is going on" Dante said eating the cake on of his armor. "We are having a party dedicated to Y/n and her sister" Gene said. "That's me" Scaff said waving at the group. "Y/n we came to take you back, everyone misses you" Aphmau said. "From what I've seen the only ones that miss me anywhere is Gene, Zane, Sasha, and Scaff, so if you can see I need to get Scaff home for a nap before the party continues" I took Scaff from Sasha before walking to Zane's castle. Before I could go to far I was held against a wall by a Shadow Laurance, I looked around for Scaff, she was against a wall Sasha had began to run with Scaff to the castle, ignoring her screams for me. "YOUR COMING BACK WITH US AND YOUR COMING NOW, WE NEED TO HELP YOU" Before I could react Laurance was pushed away by a Shadow Gene. They fought for a long time I started getting annoyed and I snapped, turning into what I guess is all my known forms in one. Shadow Knight, Wolf, Dragon, Demon, Vampire, and all my other forms, around me was a black and dark blue ring. My teeth where sharp from my vampire form and my nails where dragon claws along with a dragon tail, I had wolf ears and red eyes. My Black wings where back among with my demon dress. "STOP FIGHTING NOW" my voice boomed, mixed with dragon, Shadow Knight, and wolf. Everyone looked at me scared, I was flying in the air, I lowered myself and found Gene and Laurance back to normal. "Thank you" I said softer, but my voice still boomed. I turned back to normal, but my teeth stayed the same I did have many emotions so i guess it made sense. "I will come with you Laurance if you let me leave Scaff with you Gene, and no Shadow Knight stuff with her" they nodded in agreement. "I'm going to miss you" Gene said hugging me. "Take good care of my sister, maybe one day she can visit me" I followed the cake covered group out of Okasis and on the way to Phoenix Drop. Where I knew soon they where going to find answers to my so called 'problem'.

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