Chapter 12

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Hi guys! Told you I'd update soon, also big thanks to @speedjolteon, you gave me the boost I needed to finish this chapter! Please tell me what you think of it in the comments and if you want more! Anywhoozies, onto the story!


I burst through the door, hauling myself up using the plain desk at my message of leverage.

"Titus! Titus where are you?! Come quickly!" I tried whilst closing act open windows.

The fox darted inside, confusion and with painted across his face "what's wrong?" He replied, closing the door to the welding area behind him. He didn't need an explanation. One look at the girl on my neck way enough "Crea!" He exclaimed teaching the girl from my and laying her on the bench divider between the seller and customer areas.

There was already a leather sack on the table that he'd use to carry swords to the display rack. He looked her up and down with sorry before turning back to me.

"What's wrong with her?"

"I found her bear the kings palace, she was getting attacked by some ruffians but I managed to..." I attempted to complete the sentence but the more I tried, the heavier my chest felt. I found it hard to breath as the pain returned.

"Perona? Oh no, your didn't use died magic twice did you?" I responded with a nod and a passives smile. "Which ones?"

"Quick Wind and Increase." I explained dismissing his worry and mounting one of the chairs whilst plotting a way to change the subject. "It's not a big deal"

"Of course it's a big deal, that's a gash from Arondite-!"

"The gash isn't the problem." I cut him off before he could continue the lecture.


"You know this girl?"

"She's a...." He hesitated "family friend."

At that moment, the girl stirred. Her eyes opened and she looked around with a yawn.

"Titus? Hi..." She started, her high pitched voice ringing with sleep "I had a scary dream, there were bad people attacking, but a nice lady came to help" she sat up and rolled her neck

"Is that so?" Titus heaved a sigh of relief, his friend had survived.

"Yeah, she was a cat with deep purple fur and....and...." Her struggle to describe the figure changed as she turned to see me. I raised my hand nonchalant to greet her "That's the lady from my dream!"

Titus gulped. If Crea thought that the dream she had wasn't actually a dream and quite a reality, she could go into shop.

"M-maybe you can see the future Crea. This is my friend, Perona, she's a regular here. I-I don't think you've met before." He gave a quick, convincing cover up.

The tone in the air shifted.

"Anyway. Let's get you home. I'm sure you're parents are worried!"

"But Titus. " Her floppy ears dropped in dismay " Guinevere's bracelet...." Crea wiped her eyes with the back od her hand.

Titus sighed.

"I'll get some help and look for it when the sun rises, okay?" He convinced her, after which Crea have a sad nod and a sniffle. He then turned to me "let's talk when I get back. "

He then threw a hooded cloak over Crea's shoulders and left me to take care of the shop.

Now that I was left alone, it was surprisingly large for the property or was on. The light from the welding fire warned up the room and bounced off the perfectly polished swords. It crackled and popped within the charcoal fuel and made the air thick and musky.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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