Chapter 6

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HEY! It finally here. And my brain is officially dead but its hear. Stop bullying me now please unamed reader. (you know who you are!)

I tried using some terminolgy in this chapter. If you wanna know what it is, check out this website:

Alrighty, Enjoy! =^o^= Nyan!

Round 2 of finalists VS Round Table: Galahad of Corbenic VS Gawain Lotsson

Chapter 6

 The first was Gawain. Galahad past him with an interesting struggle.  Lamorak however took a while to defeat him since they used the same sword style. Gawain had more experience but my brother was more determined. After the five minute bell the judges totalled that Lamorak was furthest from the edge throughout the entire battle.  Gawain had lost but he fought with dignity and lost with pride. After they sheathed their swords again they both shook hands before Lamorak returned to his seat and Galahad stepped up to 'bat' as it were.

 It was a rather strange fight to see a single handed katana sword go against a two one handed swords like that of which Gawain wielded. This fight consisted of much more skill and finesse. Instead of swinging swords and clashing then together this fight was more about looking for and attacking weak spots.

“If only my sister could see this." Lamorak said. I stared at him questioningly “my sister. She is really into sword fighting and hates feminine things. She would kill to be here... I mean I act like I hate her most times but she's always been there for me. You’re not sceptical are you?"

I shook my head "I think that women in this industry are suppressed too much.  Here, the battles almost reached conclusion."  ‘Awww! He actually admits that I’m a good sibling, but this’ll be great to terror him with later.’ I thought to myself, still trying to not blow my cover by smirking.

Galahad was fighting with all his strength but it didn't seem to be enough. But it was still amazing to see how many techniques Galahad knew! My eyes widened in awe as I listed off all the moves I had read about. He parried and Foyned back and forth, slicing and jabbing. Looking for any of the four openings, but Gawain kept en gaurde at all times. Never once did he pay attention to the crowd and the chilling occasional breeze that came with a few dead leaves.

“He’s amazing…” I whispered to myself, unfortunately it was still loud enough for my brother to hear and give me a disgusted look. It was obvious now that Galahad could see that his technique of using various cuts and slices wasn’t working. His gritted teeth and glistening beads of sweat reflected his anger perfectly. “Galahad… you’re making it too easy for him to Anbiden…” I bit my thumb, even I could see that his previous attempts to molinello wasn’t working and that it was the only technique in ‘English great-sword fighting’ he knew. Gawain smiled and lunged forward. He couldn’t be planning to …


 Gawain clashed with his katana and pushed. Forcing Galahad’s sword down in an attempt to throw it out of his hands but yet Galahad retained a strong grip. Not wanting to lose, not wanting to let go. That was it, the end; Galahad was trapped n Gawain’s web. Anyway he would’ve turned; either he or his sword would’ve been thrown out of the ring. Right at that moment, a small smirk Galahads face.

“So you got me. I suppose you want me to surrender now.” His eyes darkened as he looked downwards staring at the collided swords which were engaging in there own battle to see who would chink first.

“You’re smart, boy. It’s obvious that you will not be a worthy knight.” Gawain laughed patronisingly

“Thanks, only smart people practice since the age of four, learning about the strengths and weaknesses of every move from your father. That includes…” He raised his head “to successfully perform a Binden your stance means your legs have to be wide apart. So that means that you’re not as flawlessly positioned as you thought.” Gawain gasped through gritted and Galahad seized that state of confusion as an opportunity to kick Gawain’s shin, knocking him off balance and sending him stumbling backwards. Galahad charged at full speed and forced his sword against Gawain’s defensively raised ones.


 They were attempting to bowl each other over for 40 seconds straight. The crowd was out of there seats and chanting.  Nobody could see the fight due to the over exited fans of the knights. Then there was a mighty clank as the sun hit the swords that flew into the air. The crowd was silent, staring waiting for that decisive sound. Clicks sounded off the ground followed by a quick wisp of wind and then a crash.

The congregation moved as a collective and ducked down from where I could see Gawain on the floor, his swords just barely out of reach and his arm out of the ring. Standing above him was Galahad with his sword poised above his head ready to drive it through.

“So... Did I win?" He asked nonchalantly after which the screaming crowd adorned him with shouts of praise. “I take that as a yes. Nice fight Sir Gawain. "

Gawain grumbled and took the hand that had Ben offered to him. After ducking and weaving around people screaming to talk to him Galahad made his way up to the stands

"Great fight brother, now you're like me!" Lamorak said shaking his hand. “Except you have more fans.” He muttered earning an enraged glare from the victor.

“Thanks but it’s your turn now Percy. “He slapped my back hard. It was my turn. I gulped and stood up. One hand on the swords hilt and the other in my pocket trying to look relaxed. It didn't work though. Through the quiet crowd I could hear the wind whistling and carrying the breaths of an on looking crowd and king.

‘How did I even get in here?’ Finally I got to the arena and stood in front of Gawain. I stared at him and waited but nothing happened. I looked around, what was everybody waiting for?

“Good sir. You seriously expect to fight with that attire. I assure you that with it defeat would be inevitable.” He chuckled “show us your face brave warrior." my hood came down further than my nose and barely showed my lips. A smirk arose to my cheeks as I undid the fastener around my neck and let it drop. The cloak flapped in the wind and blew perfectly onto a bench revealing my tunic that came to my thigh coloured green, my brothers grey trousers and my brown work shoes. It wasn’t practical but it would have to do. I heard the crowd scream, I didn't know why but the when I looked I found myself looking like an actual sword fighter.

“It would seem that whatever training you have been doing it seems to have paid off." Gawain gave an impressed smile. Of course I didn't know what his eyes were doing because of his helmet but the comment seemed legit. I tried to cover the shock in my honey brown eyes with a cocky glint of joy at the remark as I smiled

“Indeed, several months of a strict training regime." I chuckled slightly awkwardly whilst thinking ' strict is an understatement those yolks I have to drag need ox behind them not cat! Not to mention ploughing the fields and bringing home those heavy groceries. I'm surprised that my arms haven't popped out of there sockets!’

“I suppose that's enough rabbiting on. Shall we commence the battle?" He scratched his nose before pointing his left sword in my direction like an extended finger.

"I concur. Only that would satisfy these spectators." As we agreed I lifted the very heavy sword of the ground. I could feel the strain of slicing and flailing the metal weapon around taking its effect on my arms. Taking a deep breath I whispered to myself "I’ve been out to long. I better hurry up before I kill myself of father does it for me...”

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