Mr. I'm Not Interesting

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He Preferred the Isolation


High School AU. Phil is in high school, and is constantly picked on. He doesn't really have any friends. He has a secret space he likes to steal away to. One day someone finds his lost notebook and texts him with the number inside. They get to talking, and kinda become friends. But that can't help Phil with all the drama that's to ensue in his peaceful albeit sad high school existence.

Hey people! So I LOVE high school AUs, and I also love wrong/Unknown number fics. But that isn't all there is to this story. It gets pretty damn dramatic, I'll tell you that. Well, it will. I haven't written beyond the first chapter yet. But, betad by "kenzie130" on Wattpad, it seems to be a good start(ps go check her out her writing's great). So I figured what the heck. So I have no idea how long it'll be between updates. School and crap. I write at school, but then have to find time to type it up. Sooo... Tell me what you think! Enough so's! On with the story!
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Chapter 1: Mr. I'm Not Interesting

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The bell rang and Phil let out a sigh, slowly packing up his things. It was the end of the day, and he liked it that way. School just wasn't a place he enjoyed being; the work was hard, the teachers were boring and/or obnoxious, and the other students were assholes. Sure, there were down nice kids, but they mostly kept to themselves.

Of course, there were always exceptions, like Louise. Louise was loud, and cackled so much the entire school could recognize her by her laugh alone. Her hair was dyed bright pink, and she was one of the most popular kids in school. But one time Phil had gotten partnered with her on a science project, and she was sweet and funny and nice. Dan Howell didn't even scowl at her when she asked to borrow a pencil. Now /that/ was an accomplishment.

Dan Howell was always alone. He had no friends, and no one ever talked to him. But that was because he liked it to be that way. His glare got even the toughest bullies in school to leave him be.

Those bullies were also the most popular and influential people in school, as school goes. There were Alfie and Zoe, who were the school's power couple, well known for doing awful things that made everyone worship them. There were the physically intimidating head jocks, Caspar and Marcus. There were the trouble making and conniving Harries twins. There was Zoe's younger brother Joe, head jock and most popular kid in the class below theirs. But there were also Louise and another couple, Jim and Tanya, who were in the popular group but quite pleasant. They didn't pick on kids like Phil.

There were a handful of kids like Phil. The four most picked on students in school were Carrie, Phil, Chris, and PJ. Carrie wasn't exactly picked on so much as just... Well... Not popular. For some reason, the popular kids resented her. It didn't really make sense, seeing as she was fun and pretty and bubbly and a great singer, but no one dared question the will of the bullies. Phil was definitely picked on loads. Actually, "picked on" was an understatement. He liked bands and died his hair black and was always spaced out and was chronically socially awkward. The last one had the most to do with it. Then there was Chris and PJ, the only openly gay couple in the school. They definitely got the most crap, and Phil couldn't help but be glad. He wasn't a sadist, but them being picked on spared him some. And besides, they had each other. Phil had no one.

So he waited until everyone else filtered out of the classroom, until it was only him and Zoe and Alfie, who were making out lazily in the corner, blocking the door. Even the teacher had left.

Phil took a shaky inhale and gathered his things as quickly as possible. He moved silently towards the door, his heart rate skyrocketing as he approached the two. Alfie was one of the most confrontational students in school, along with Caspar and Marcus-especially when people interrupted him and Zoe. So Phil cautiously studied the best route out of the room. He had been lucky so far, and they didn't appear to have noticed him yet.

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