Chapter 1

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(Natalya's POV)

I was sleeping peacefully, like I normally do when it's the holidays, even though I am home-schooled by uncle Tony and uncle Bruce, they still keep to a time table people at school use, so that's waking up at 6 o'clock in the morning and then finishing the day of lessons at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, but also having the same holidays as anyone who goes to school. Well, anyway I was sleeping peacefully in my bed that was on the 73rd floor of the tower that I share with my mom, above uncle Steve's floor and underneath uncle Loki's floor, when suddenly there was a loud noise going off in my ear and some sort of sticky and stringy substance starting to cover my body as I usually sleep in my arctic wolf form as for some reason its more comfy for me to sleep.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNA!" Several voices shouted over the noise that is still blaring in my ears, causing me to open my eyes and growl at them, as I shift into one of my animagus forms when scared and well, if you were in my position of having an extremely annoying sound blaring into your ear, waking you up at a time where you do not want to wake up for another couple of hours then you will probably have the same reaction, but I soon stopped growling when I realised that it was my mom, Stan, Lila, Cooper, Nate (Nathaniel), uncle Clint, uncle Sam, Sif, Hogun, Volstagg, Fandral, uncle Thor and uncle Loki (he's an Avenger now, don't ask how) that woke me up but I could hear the others laughing upstairs.

'Oh great another 'special' birthday wake up call.' I thought to myself, well I think I said it out loud but I was proven right when they were just grinning at me from around my bed, so to show them how annoyed I am at them for doing that to me again I growled, but this time making it louder than the first and also showing off more of my sharp canines in this form as well as narrowing my eyes at the god of mischief and the archer as they were still blaring that really annoying noise which I now remember to be 'It's a small world', yeah it was a really bad idea to go to Disney World with the Asgardians because they freaked out every time a character walked past and Loki disguised himself as nearly every character he thought was 'cool' mainly being Stitch because Thor would curse in his Asgardian language but then got told off by Frigga, Sif and myself because I have spent so much time with Thor and Loki that I had learnt some Norwegian and the Asgardian ways of saying something.

"Natalya Maria Elizabetta Romanoff...." Okay, momma widow is angry, repeat momma widow is angry, if looks could kill I would be six feet under already, I stopped growling and lowered my head in submission quietly and sadly as I knew that for doing that I would have double training on boxing day, you see my birthday is on Christmas Eve, so, mom lets me off training for my birthday and Christmas Day "....stop growling when we wake you up, I know you don't like us waking you up, but I thought that you might want to read this, so I thought to wake you up was a good idea." She carried on while pulling out an envelope that was sort of a creme colored with emerald green ink saying:

'Miss N. Romanoff,

The 73rd Floor bedroom on the Right,

Stark Tower 200 Park Avenue,


New York'

I quickly leaped off of my bed and sprinted for my bathroom en suite and shifted back and put on the spare change of pj's that I always keep in here for the morning as for some reason my clothes disappear when I'm in an animagus form so after doing the usual shower, brush teeth and put clothes on I came out of my bathroom while struggling to put a brush through my hair, I walked into my room to find everyone and by everyone I mean mom, Sif, Jane, Darcy, Frigga, Maria, Wanda, Lila, Laura, Pepper, Tony, Clint, Nate, Cooper, Pietro, Vision, Nick, Odin, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Loki, Thor, Steve, Bruce, Stan, Sam and Rhodey trying to find a place to sit in my room which ended up the girls on my bed, Clint, Sam, Cooper and Nate in the 'nest' area I made for when something like this happens all it is, is an upper level to my room, Loki in the armchair next to my window seat where Thor, Volstagg and Fandral were sitting with Hogun sitting in front of them on the floor, Odin and Steve sitting on my two seater settee, Tony, Rhodey and Bruce sitting on my three seater with Stan in front of them and then Vision and Nick standing in one of the corners of my room and Pietro sitting unusually still in front of Wanda on the floor, wait a minute, Pietro being still...

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