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Alex I told you to stop doing that

Julian I'm sorry babe

Alex I forgive you so what we going to do today

Julian you want to call Langston and Day over

Alex sure i miss my niggas

Julian sure you do

Alex oh shut up

Julian you know you going to have to stop talking to me like that

Alex oh really are you starting to feel some type of way

Julian yeah don't let Langston hear you say that to me

Alex I was going to do that anyway nigga

Julian I bet you won't because you will have a surprise for you tonight if you do

Alex and what would that be your small ass dick

Julian haha you got jokes but I'm not laughing you can walk home

Alex aww babe I'm sorry I take it back

Julian haha see I keep your ass in check

Alex I know you do and that's a good thing. Maybe I should tie yo ass down too no more fucking random hoes

Julian you should but would you ever get mad of I told you I got a girl pregnant and the girl wasn't you?

Alex I don't know. But why would you ask me that?

Julian because what if it was true

Alex so you cheated and got a girl pregnant?

Julian yeah and I'm sorry

Alex when did you find out

Julian this morning but

Alex but what

Julian never mind. Do you still want the guys over

Alex naw I'm going out with jasmine

Julian can you please lose the attitude

Alex can you drop me off at the mall please

Julian yeah whatever (drops her off)

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