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"I don't know what you're talking about." I say, shocked. "I don't have a sister."

"Well I can prove that you do." He replies.

"What's going on?" Mr. Arthur asks as he runs out of the kitchen.

"Nothing!" I look down at the broken glass. "I'll clean this up." I grab the broom from the back and I run into the main smaller kitchen when I bump into a hard chest. I look up and see the face of the man from earlier.

"You go talk to him. I'll clean this up." He says. His voice is deeper and a little sadder than before. "This could be important." He gives me a slight smile and nods behind him. I sigh and hand him the broom and dust pan.

We sit at a booth in the back corner. "Sir, I really don't have a sister. Maybe you have the wrong Aislin -"

"Were your parents Tracy and Trever Payne?"


"Than we have the right Aislin." He sighs and pulls out his paper work. "Your sister, Olive Rose Payne, has passed away and left all of her fortune to you." He hands her will to me. "She was the immediate inheritance to your parents money, and she has made quite the life for herself. So, not only will you be getting her wealth, but you will be receiving your parent's as well."

"I don't understand. How come she was never around? I've never even met her." I reply, still in quite a lot of shock.

"When your parents had her, they had her adopted, for they couldn't take care of her. When they died, you were so young. They had kept in contact with Olive's adopted parents, and found out that she was planning on going to college. So they put her as their immediate inheritor. She just recently died from cancer, and she knew that you weren't doing well. I believe that you would recognize them." He pulls out a picture of her. I gasp loudly. They were the last foster home I was in before I was kicked out of the place. She was my best friend. Tears begin to form in my eyes as I cover my mouth and pick up the picture. "Here's the check for all of the money, the keys to her cars and house. Everything that you will need to know will be at her house. Here's her address." He slips me a piece of paper, and closes his briefcase, walking quickly out the door.

I sit with my head in my hands, and tear stains on my face. I stare in disbelief of the events that have just unfolded in front of me, not sure if I can believe. This morning, I was living in the smallest apartment known to man, and now, I apparently live in a luxury house outside of New York City with a butt-load of money. I don't know if I can believe it.

A frail hand pets the back of my head, pressing a light kiss to my temple. Mrs. Arthur. "You can take as much time off as you need, honey." She whispers softly. "I'll be right here if you need anything, and you know the number if you need something to eat."

I nod, and collect my new things. I slide out of the booth, and give her a long hug. I walk out of the front door, and begin heading to the bus stop at the end of the street.

"Aislin!" A voice calls. I turn around quickly to see the guy from the restaurant running towards me. "I'm sorry." He says out of breath. "I don't know if we've officially met. I'm Collin. I'm the Arthur's grandson. Nanny, told me that I should take you to the house. It'd be safer. I promise, I won't do anything." He says giving me a half smile.

"Okay." I reply. He leads me to his Jeep and helps me inside. The drive is on the other side of the city. The bus fee would have cost me a fortune.

We pull up to the house, after almost half an hour of silence. It's a gated in white mansion, with an excellent garden out front. We jump out, and I put the key in and turn till it unlocks. The door echoes throughout the forum. White marble floors lay untouched for what seems like weeks. I take off my muddy shoes and place them carefully on the mat by the door. Collin does the same. We walk into the living room and kitchen, white furniture, with pastel accents. The countertops in the kitchen are marble as well. The will states that there are five bedrooms and six and a half bathrooms. There is and office space provided along with a full scale library. We walk into the garage to find three cars. A black Range Rover, a white Mercedes Benz, and a black Escalade, all packed inside.

"So much for the bus." I mumble. Collin scoffs behind me. He follows me up the stairs and into the master bedroom. I'll look at the other bedrooms later. The bedroom is almost the size of living room and kitchen combined. A window the size of the wall looks over into the  harbour. The bathroom is almost the same as the kitchen only smaller. The closet is huge. There's a shoe closet, a workout clothes closet, and a closet designed for all the rest of her clothes. All designer, might I add. And they're all my size. In the bathroom, there is another door. I open it to find all the best makeup you could find. From Paris to London to Los Angles, to Tokyo. Anything you could find.

We walk back down to the kitchen to see a note on the refrigerator door. It has a number and instructions saying once the person on the phone answers to tell them my name and await further instructions.

I do as I'm told and call the number. "Hello?" A ladies voice asks.

"My name is Aislin Payne." I say.

"Miss Payne. I will be over in five minutes. Do not leave the house." She says quickly yet sweetly. The line ends and I set the phone down.

"I have to stay here. She will be here in five minutes."

"Who's she?" He asks the question we're both thinking.

"We're about to find out." I reply, sitting on the counter.

Exactly five minutes later, the doorbell rings. I open it to reveal a blonde lady in her thirties and what looks like to be a full waiting staff.

"Miss Payne?" She asks. I nod. "Hello. I'm Elizabeth Walker. I will be your personal assistant. May I come in?" I nod again. She snaps her fingers, the staff following her inside. "Behind me, I have the people that will now be your best friends. Your makeup artist, hair dresser, clothing assistant, chauffeur, cook, and finally, body guard. They will be with you most of the time. Your late sister was a very famous designer, and you will always need these people to make sure you look and feel your best."

I smile and wave 'hello'. She smiles at me.

"You will hopefully get to know them all soon. Now at 9:00 sharp, we will be here to prep you, then will accompany you to your old home to collect your things. The rest of the day will be planned according to the time. My number is on the fridge." She hands me a rose gold iPhone 6s along with a stylish case to accompany it.

I gawk at everything in front of me. It's almost like a dream. I don't believe it.

"I'm open 24/7. We would prefer you be awake by 8:30, and showered, but do not do absolutely anything to your hair or face." She scolds. I nod, almost terrified. "9:00 sharp." She says, and the staff follows behind once again. Leaving me and Collin alone.

"I'll be at the diner at my usual time if you wanna stop by." He gives me the same half smile again and walks out the front door. Correction, leaving me by myself in a huge house.

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