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I didn't do much the rest of the day. I looked around, ordered a pizza for dinner, and got some well needed sleep.

Being used to my usual schedule, I wake up at 8:00. A little more sleep than I'm used to, but I haven't felt this good in a while. I walk in the bathroom, pulling out a clean toothbrush from the makeup closet. I shower quickly enough to be dressed in sweats and a T-shirt I found in one of the dresser drawers.

At 9:00 sharp, the doorbell rings loudly. Elizabeth and the full crew walk in behind her. I smile at all of them. She gives instructions to them all, and pulls me up the stairs into the bedroom. They plop me in a chair and immediately begin their work. I've learned most of their names. Dylan, the clothing stylist, Poppy, the makeup artist, Olivia the hairdresser, Charlie, the cook, who will have occasional help from his wife Barbara, and Jo, the chauffeur. They're all very nice considering how tight a shift Elizabeth keeps.

Dylan shows them the outfit she has planned for today, and tells Poppy and Olivia what she wants done. Poppy applies a little makeup. She says that it's always good to start off small, and then once you're comfortable then you add a little more each day. Simple nude eye shadow and blush color matte lips. Olivia curls my hair and puts it in a half bun. Dylan gives me a pair of white skinny jeans, and a blush crop top the same color as my lips, and some black and white Adidas tennis shoes.

I'm handed a cup of coffee as I walk down the stairs, along with a black Chanel back pack. It has my phone and some money inside. Elizabeth directs me to the black Escalade where Jo helps me inside. Elizabeth told me, that we will always use this car when going somewhere where I will need some help, but I could use either of the other two cars when it's just me. Seems fair. She rides in another Escalade identical to ours where the bodyguard, who's name I've yet to find out rides with her.

After a while in traffic, we reach the bar where my old home is located. As we get out of the car, Elizabeth has a face of pure disgust. "You get used to it," I mumble just loud enough for her to hear. "Now, the people here are rude, and drunk. Don't listen to them. Walk right past them like they aren't there. Got it?" I sound harsher than I wanted to, but people have gotten hurt because they respond to what someone has said to them. I don't want that to happen here.

We walk up the cold metal stairs and I unlock the door. We did get a lot of wolf whistles and tons of crude language and remarks. For someone with such confidence, I've never seen someone so scared. Elizabeth practically is dragged behind the bodyguard. I sigh looking around. This place could barely hold me. And now I'm living in a place where about six of me could live. A couple pictures of me and my parents lie around on boxes of trash. Little Lottie. They allow me to look around, they stay back.

"Elizabeth." I say. Tears have formed in my eyes, and I sound weak. Who's gonna stop me? She walks up next to me standing up straight. "If she cared so much, like she said she did in her letter, then why didn't she come sooner. Heck, I didn't know she was my sister, and I lived with her for two years. Why didn't she tell me then?"

"I think maybe she was scared to. Maybe she thought that you wouldn't believe her. She talked about you all the time. I know for a fact that she regretted not telling you, because she could've had a sister, a best friend, but she was too scared to tell you. But she loved you."

I nod looking around, tears falling like waterfalls from my eyes. "This is all I have. We won't be needing both cars. Most of this can stay, like the trundle the boxes. But all the pictures come with me." They nod in response and help me grab pictures and a few other things that I have said to grab.

I lock the door and walk with Elizabeth back to the car. "Hey, I need to stop one more place." I say remembering the time. "It's a short walk. No need to take the cars."

"Okay. But the cars have to come with us. We can't leave them here." Elizabeth states. The bodyguard walks beside me as Elizabeth rides in the car slowly next to us.

"What's your name?" I ask the buffed up man.

"Liam." His voice is deeper than Collin's.

"Good to know." I say awkwardly. "Don't want to have to call you 'mister' all the time." I giggle, thinking my own joke was hilarious. He looks down at me with a glare. I smile. I look ahead seeing Collin walking out of the Arthur's Diner. "Collin!" I shout and jog faster. He stops in his tracks, and smiles.

"Hey, Aislin!" He says. "Thought you weren't gonna show."

"And miss waiting on you? Never." I say as he hugs me. "So, who took my place?"

"Nanny. She's waiting on you inside." He smirks. "She missed you this morning. Kept on looking at the door waiting for you to run in."

"I don't know if I can work here anymore. It kinda depends on my schedule." I reply.

"What will you be doing?" He scoffs. "I mean, do you know how to design clothes?"

"No. Actually I have no idea what I will be doing. I will find something to do." I sigh looking in the window. "I'm gonna see Mrs. Arthur."

"I left my number on the fridge if you need me." He smiles. Gosh that smile is gorgeous.

"I'll let you know." I give him a smirk and walk inside. I feel his eyes peering into me. Watching as I walk into the diner. Hiding a smile.

AislinWhere stories live. Discover now