(1) Garmau- Nightmares

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Aphmau POV
I twist and turned on my bed....My eyes finally opened and I felt the tears roll down my face. I decided to call Garroth since he's the only person that I could talk to about this
Me: Garroth are you awake
Garroth: Yea what's wrong Aphmau? Why are you crying
Me: I had a nightmare and I can't go to sleep...
Garroth: At 2 in the morning and your still awake
Me: I thought I lost you *cries*
Garroth: Shhh..Aphmau it's okay I'm here
Door Bell Ring~
Me: Hold Garroth someone's at my door

Garroth POV
Aphmau had just called me at 2 in the morning...Something must be wrong. I quickly grab a coat and put on my slippers and headed to Aphmau's house....She opened the door and ran to hug me "Don't leave me Garroth" she says gripping on my shirt and I hug her back "I won't Aphmau, I'm always here for you. When your sad I'll be your shoulder to cry on, When your happy I'll be your best friend to make you laugh, When your mad I'll hurt the person who made you mad and when your hurt I'll be here to protect you" I say and she cries even more "Garroth thank you!! Your always there and yet I never say thank you" "There's no need to thank me Aphmau just know I'll always be here for you" I say and she hugs me even tighter

Aphmau POV
The words Garroth spoke were beautiful...It made me feel wanted and loved...I've always had a crush on Garroth but I never told him about it. I'm afraid he'll reject me and it'll ruin our friendship...I'm perfectly fine the way we are right now but I just wish we were more..."Care to tell your nightmares?" Garroth said sitting at the couch and and I sat next to him and I laid my head on his shoulder "You, You left me and everyone" I say tearing up again and he kissed my forehead "Aphmau I would never. I have a person I love here and I don't want to be far away from her. It'll hurt me. When I see her talk to other guys I get jealous of how they laugh and joke around and when I'm with her alone I cherish every second of it. I love her and I hope she would love me back" Garroth says and tears rolled down my eyes even more....Garroth loves someone, I have to get over him. He just said it himself that he loves her...I wish I could be that girl that Garroth loves so much....

Garroth POV
I see more tears roll down her face after I said that and I wipe them away "That girl sure is lucky to have a guy like you love her" Aphmau said and I blushed...Was she really this oblivious to not know I was talking about her....I mean I would have been the same if she said that to me "You should tell her your feelings, Maybe she'll return them" Aphmau said playing with her fingers and I chuckled "Maybe I should..." I say lifting her chin up making Aphmau look into my teal blue eyes "Aphmau....I love you" I say leaning in and closing my eyes...I soon felt a pair of lips on mine and felt them kiss back. She's kissing back!!! I have dreamed of this so many times and now it's finally coming true!!! The girl I love and have loved for years is kissing me. I feel like I'm in heaven....She then pulls away and leans her forehead on mine "Garroth I love you too" she says smiling and placing her head on my chest and closing her eyes "Goodnight Aphmau" I say and she snuggled up to me and soon she fell asleep...The love of my life was finally in my arms and I could finally say she's mine.....Nightmare thank you....

Authors Note
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry if it wasn't that great it's my second one shot that I ever wrote and yea...Well have a good day guys and peace out......-SuperStar869

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