Part 10- research

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Phil's POV
Dan ran to his bedroom and I was left in the aftermath of what everything happened, sitting on the floor wanting to sob myself. I googled eating disorders and realised that Dan fit the symptoms of anorexia pretty well. For the next few days I googled and researched anorexia while Dan refused to leave his bedroom. I found some causes and ways to help treat someone with anorexia. It really helped it said things from taking them to a doctor to taking them to A&E in some extreme cases. It said that sometimes just talking to a counsellor helps but a doctor should be contacted. It said that anorexia is often caused by bullies or negative comments on social media but this couldn't be the case for Dan. His fans loved him. Out of curiosity I went into his YouTube channel and went on to the comments of his newest video. That was almost a month ago now, it's obvious he didn't care anymore. The comments on his video the shocked me;

"He's so fat why is he still making videos?"
"Wow... The fatty seemed to get fatter"
"But guys Dan is really thin"
"Shut up, have you seen his last video? What a fatass"

My heart broke just like Dans must have when he read the comments. The most heartbreaking thing was that this was just the first page of comments, comments like this went on for pages. One girl was trying to stick up for Dan but it seemed like the rest of the world was against her. It made me wonder if she ever went though what Dan was going through too. I could only wish that no one ever goes though the hell that Dan is putting himself though. Not only is it breaking Dan but it's breaking his family and friends. Even when he went to see my family, when he wasn't too bad my parents were concerned about him. When he excused himself they were telling me how thin Dan got and if I was sure he was eating properly. How was I supposed to know? Some of our YouTube friends like Louise and Felix has been asking about Dan because they've realised he's been getting thinner. What am I supposed to say to them? Oh yeah Dan isn't eating, I let my boyfriend slowly kill himself. He's put so much unneeded stress on not just himself but me too. There was one day when I even started to wonder if I was the problem and I should leave. I can't do this. I can't do this anymore knowing that my boyfriend could die any day now. Over something that could have been cured if he just opened up. To me, or anyone he felt comfortable talking to it about.

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