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* 1 year later *

"Desiree?" I heard a voice shout from downstairs. I quickly hopped out of my bed and ran down the stairs to see who was at the door. When I turned the corner to the kitchen I see a familiar figure I smiled widely.

"Hi Alex!" I say with excitement as I hold a smile on my lips.

Alex returns the smile and begins to talk again.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in forever!" He says with a little chuckle at the end.

I honesty was so much better. I have a job down at a coffee shop, I'm going to college again; for my mom. I no longer feel sad or scared. Of course Jesse still sits in the back of my mind sometimes, but I try to not think of him as much. It was the worst and the best time of my life.

"Great. Stable." I quickly say to Alex. "More like 4 months though." I laugh. He laughs back then nods his head in response scratching his neck. 

"Good, want to get some food?"
I nod my head quickly my "Yes I'm starving!" I laugh.


"So how was tour?" I ask before I shove a chopstick full of noddles in my mouth.

"Great!" Alex answers as he finishes the egg role in his mouth.

While I was with Jesse, Alex had made a band called Arctic Monkeys. I guess they have become pretty popular, they just got back from the UK.

I smile and I see Alex try to hold back a huge grin but failing; miserably.

"What?" I question with a little smile.

"Well" Alex starts as he takes a sip of his soda "I'm going on tour again in a few weeks and I want you to come with me." He quickly sips his soda again and watches my face in amusement as my facial expressions change several times.

"I'd love to!" I quickly giggle. "But I have to contact my manager and rearrange my classes." I quickly sigh and let out a long breath. "Do whatever you need to do Desiree. Just please come I miss my best friend." I smile at Alex and nod my head. "I'm coming" 


After Alex and I ate dinner we went back to my house to hang out and catch up with what has happen with each other in the last 4 months and of course have a lame excuse to drink some alcohol.

"How have you and you know who  been?" Alex quickly asks with a wink, obviously showing he's a bit tipsy.

I giggled at Alex's state, he is slowly leaning to the side but quickly picks himself back up without dropping the wine bottle on the floor.  "Well I haven't seen him in almost 6 months. He-" I was cut off by a pair of hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who?" The voice questions with a giggle.
"This is so cliché you piece of shit." I throw the voice's hands off of my eyes and look to face the boy I haven't seen in 6 months. His tall frame was hovering over me and a smile lied on his lips. 

"Matty!" I shout as I jump over the couch and into his arms. His curly hair covered my eyes so I couldn't see and his chest quickly rose and fell as he let out a laugh.

He quickly kissed my neck and whispered in my ear "Hi baby. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I say into his neck. He quickly puts be back on the floor and gives me a proper kiss. It was deep and meaningful like he needed it to live. Nothing Jesse ever did. Wait why the fuck I'm thinking of Jesse?

I quickly pull back from this kiss with a confused look and Matty catches it. "Can you taste my cigarette smoke?" He asks with a small laugh.

I nervously laugh "No, I don't think that Chinese is agreeing with me" I awkwardly scratch my arm as I look to Alex who is passed out on my couch, I quickly sigh and grab the bottle of wine out of his hand. As I'm carrying it into the the kitchen Matty quickly grabs it out of my hand. "I'll take that, thank you." He smiles as he takes a swig of the red liquid in the glass.

I laugh at him as he frowns at the small red dot on his white shirt from the wine.

Before I can say anything else Matty puts the glass on the kitchen counter and grabs my hand and takes me upstairs.

"What are we doing?" I question as I follow him.

"What do you mean what are we doing? I haven't seen you in 6 months what do you think we are doing?" He turns around and smiles at me as I blush and smile to myself.

Well there it is.
Don't worry this isn't the end just wait for when Desiree goes on tour with Alex it will be interesting. But what do you guys think so far?? Especially bc MATTY FUCKING HEALY IS NOW IN THE STORY?? I love him so much. But leave some comments and vote!! Have a rad day (:

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