Diary Entry - 1

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  I heard them..Those damn voices again. Enveloping my brain with the sickest of thoughts.. Why now? In the middle of fucking class...People already think there's something wrong with me, like I'm some sort of disease. Some sort of freak. I hear the voices clearer now, telling me to go stab the girl next to me with a pencil....But it's dull?Why with a dull pencil.. They said that the pain would be heightened, if it was dull. I have to ignore these voices, what's going on with me? Now isn't the time.... Fuck! My vision is getting blurry, can't see, I need to leave...Now!

I'm in the nurse's office. There's blood on my hands, and I have a massive headache. I'm not sure why though.. I remember hearing the voices, but I'm almost positive I ignored them. She's asking me questions, hell if I can remember though.
"Sh-she just yelled in the middle of class,telling 'voices' to go away..Then her eyes glazed over,and stabbed the girl next to her in the neck!"
Nurse Sally thinks I'm crazy too? I know for a fact didn't do any of that. I surely would have remembered. Why can't I remember anything?...
"You're lucky it didn't hit the jugular! What the hell are we going to do with this girl?"
"Listen,I'm a psychologist,I'll -
" As this girl's father, Dr. Green, you shouldn't even let your daughter on campus..given her history..."
"And as I said before nurse Sally, I'm a psychologist. I'll just check her into another institution if I have to. Keep her out of school, with people of her own mindset. She's just scared..."
People of my own mindset,huh? So I'm just a lunatic that belongs in a mental home....They're putting ties on me,I can't write anymore diary, until the next time..if they let me have pencils where I'm going..

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