Chapter 7

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Alright so here's another chap.

Jason's POV (surprise)

I slowly make my way home, wincing as every breath I take Hurts like a bitch.

Logan, the leader/boss of the gang, was furious with me and my 'annoying ass behavior that needs to be straightened out immediately', his words not mine.

He got four of his members to beat me up pretty harshly, not laying a finger on my face though, so my face was the only part of me that was bruise free.

He told me that if I didn't step up my act and obey him willingly and without any problems, there would be hell to pay.....

The sky is at it's darkest, the  stars shining brightly above me.

My thoughts soon wander to last night, when I broke down in front of Skylar. I told her what I couldn't and wouldn't tell anyone else, my most painfullest secret of all.

I honestly don't regret telling someone else, especially her.
To tell the truth it feels as if a weight's been lifted off my shoulders.

I make my way up the steps of our front porch, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

I open the door quietly, making sure to close it just as quietly but my attempt to get in unnoticed fails. The lights turn on, revealing my dad with his arms crossed and his face holding no emotion whatsoever. Fuck!!

"Were have you been" he asks me  emotionlessly, a hint of an  unknown emotion swimming behind his mask, i brush it off as I slowly and carefully make my way towards the kitchen, wincing slightly but keeping it under control.

I really don't know why he even bothers to talk to me, Its pretty obvious to me just how much of a burden I am to him. I'm just a reminder of his deceased wife, and 'I'm part of the reason as to why she's dead'.

I make my way towards the sink, grabbing a cup and filling it halfway up with water. I  tilt my head back slightly and gulp it down, fighting back the wince threatening appear.

I place the cup down, than make my way over to the stairs next to the living room that lead upstairs. I manage to take five steps before I'm stopped by him grabbing my shoulder roughly.

I bite my bottom lip hard, forcing myself to not shed a tear, it hurts like hell but I take a deep breath before turning around to face him. He pulls away, looking at me with anger this time.

"I'm not going to ask again, WHERE. HAVE. YOU. BEEN?" I stared up at him with a blank expression, yeah I was tall but he was taller.

"It doesn't concern you" I growl out before turning around and storming up the remaining steps, ignoring the piercing pain in my body, before storming into my room and slamming the door shut, of course not before hearing my dad shout out "It does concern me because I'm your damn father".

"As if you act like one" i mumble to myseld before limping over to my small bathroom and stripping out of my clothes than proceeding to step into the shower and turn the water on, hot water pours down my bruised back causing me to hiss at the sting it causes.

I sigh as I stand under the running faucet for who knows how long, soon feeling my body go numb and the water start to go cold with every passing moment.

I grab my axe men shampoo/conditioner, than proceed in  scrubbing my hair and my body. Rinsing myself off, I make sure the shower is clean before turning off the faucet and stepping out of the shower carefully.

I dry myself off than walk out of my bathroom naked. Making my way over to my drawers I take out one of my black boxer briefs and slip them on before turning off the light and slipping into my comfortable bed,  welcoming the darkness with wide open arms.



I groan as I hear my clock go off, my whole body aches and as I try to sit up I fall right back down, struggling to get up. I give up after a few more failed attempts, letting myself drop back onto my bed.

I look over at my nightstand and sigh as I notice that I will most likely be late for school, again. I close my eyes deciding to skip today, knowing that I'd just suffer from moving around so much.

My dad might get angry but I don't care  right now, I soon drift off to sleep, hoping that when I awoke I would feel a whole lot better than I do right now.


I wake up to the sound of my door being slammed open, I let out and audible groan before cursing in my head as i rememb that I'm still in just my boxers.

My dad walks to my side of the bed and glares daggers down at me, his stare is menacing but it soon turns to a look of concern as his eyes find a big ugly purple bruise on my shoulder, disappearing under my bed covers.

He reaches down and rips the covers off me, leaving me with no other protection other than my boxers.

His eyes widen and he creases is eyebrows in worry, his gaze looking me up and down, landing on all of the bruised I had over the front of my body.

He gives me a look, a look that saus 'If you don't tell me what happened I'm going to find out sooner or later and you won't like it' which if you ask me, is kinda creepy and annoying.

"I thought I locked the door last night" I state warily, eyeing my door with narrowed eyes. "I unlocked it" he says simply but with an edge to his voice, he sits down and looks at me seriously and I know what's most likely coming.

"You are going to tell me what exactly happened or I swear we are not going to leave this room until you do, and trust me I mean it" he says seriously, and boy do I know he's serious. If only he knew that it will take a lot more than a threat to make me spill everything, because I'm not planning to tell him anything anytime soon.

I guess we'll be here for quite a while, better get comfortable.


Alright I hope you guys enjoyed it, on the next chapter it will also be his point of view so stay tuned , bye.

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