Chapter 3

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Me(Lisa's) P.O.V~~~

I woke up from sleep feeling grumpy. As you can see I'm not a morning person. Worst of all, school. First day of school. Uggh! I decided to wake up Jc. I opened his door, and he was still asleep. I decided to tickle him. I slowly got on his bed and tickled him. He started to laugh really hard. 

Jc: *laughing* Oh my god! Stop! Stop!

Me: *smiling* Get up then

Jc: Fine.... you ready

Me: No

Jc: Come on it'll be ok and besides even if I'm not there, the guys will

Me: Well, I'll go get ready

I washed my hair last night so I decided to curl it a little. I put on some black leggings, blue PINK sweater, and white converse. I put on a little foundation, mascara, and some chapstick. When Jc was done, we went downstairs and ate breakfast. 

Jc: I just called the guys and there on their way

Me: ok

Mom: You two ready

Jc: yeah

Me: No, I rather just stay in bed

Mom: *sigh* you two better hurry 

Jc: Ok, mom. Come on sis

Me: Bye mom

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. As we went outside Trevor, Sam and Connor were outside waiting. When we started walking, I stayed in the back cause I'm like that. 

Sam: Hey

I looked up from my phone and saw Sam walking next to me. 

Me: Oh hey

Sam: So you ready to start at a new school?

Me: Not really, I mean I'm never excited for school

Sam: Your just like

Me: *little chuckle*

Sam: *chuckle*

As we approached the school, I got a little nervous. Usually I never get like this.

Jc: Ok, sis so find me if you need anything

Me: Ok

I headed toward my 1st period class and realized I had 1st period with Sam. What a coincidence.I decided to sit in the back and Sam sat behind. As time passed I just laid my head down and payed no attention. I know I'm a straight A student and pay attention a lot but, I'm not in the mood today. As time passed a little, a piece of balled paper flew and landed on my desk. I opened it up and read it. 


               Sam: Hey

I answered back

              Me: Hey

              Sam: I'm bored

              Me: Me too

              Sam: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to get frozen yogurt after school with the guys and me

              Me: Yeah sure

              Sam: Ok! bye:) 

I laid my head back down until first period. 

                                                                      ~  ~  ~  

I'm sorry this was pretty short, but it was getting late. I'll write a longer part tomorrow. Hope you liked it bye:)

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