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Blood dripped from the gash on my back, and ran down my body staining my skin red.

A dark chuckling filled the room and echoed off the walls, the only thing that scared me in this life time, him.

He walked out of the shadows and into the only source of light in the room, and I saw the wicked smirk on his face, promising pain.

I take a deep breath and wake up from the nightmare, but I'm used to it, I have the same dream all the time, but other times can be worse than others.

Last night before I went to sleep I had made a makeshift bed out of the supplies in my bag and camped out by a small fire I made to keep me warm.

And I had finally caught my meal, I caught two rabbits and a squirrel. It took forever to cook, but it was worth it to not have my stomach growling and attracting predators.

I packed up my supplies and stuffed them into my bag once more, and I was off in the direction of my new home.

I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to do with my life now that I was free, but only a few satisfied me. The one I'm leaning for is living off of the land on a mountain, somewhere far, far away from civilization, away from them.

My Return (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now