I'm Back

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Chapter Seven


I was cold, cold all over yet I was warm in the chest where my heart should be. I really don't know how to explain the feeling of the warmth in my chest with any word's, it was just calming and comforting in a way. The coldness was a diffrent thing, I knew exsacly how to describe it, dread. I really don't know why I would feel dread, but it was a horrible feeling.

I laid where I was completly stile, I wasn't even sure if I was breathing, but I'm pretty sure I was or else I would probably be dead. If I was dead then I wouldn't know it. Slowly I tried to regain control over my body, but it wasn't much of a success, just my finger's.

I tried to openy eye's atlest, but that didn't work, they felt like there were tons of elephants in them preventing them from opening. Groaning from frustration I decided that I would just wait till someone came, which I wasn't really sure if anyone would come to me, but hopefully they will.

After just laying there for however long I started to hum a tune to myself, trying to entertain myself, it was a random tune but it sounded nice. I got bored with the humming and went on to clicking my tongue, which I got annoyed of shortly after I started it, I stoped as I heard people talking to each other near by.

Yes! Finally someone came to help me!

Iwas jumping for joy on the inside, repeating it over and over again that someone or people have came to help me move again.

That thought was struck down as I heard a television that sounded like it was near by being switched on. I swear if I could move right now I would kick someone where the sun dose not reach. Inwardly sighing I began to try some thing that I used to when I was a very young child.

It's a game that I made up called 'Youth'. It's mainly about imaging another you so to speak, but this one is diffrent then you in someways but the same in most ways. My other me( Akari) had(s) dark purple hair, like I always wanted, with light purple eye's. Her hair length was shorter than mine, but much curlier. She was my exact height and weight, with pale skin and dark eye lashes. Mainly to put it straight she was the person that I always wanted to be. Everyone was nice to her in her world while everyone here was mean to me at the time though I just thought that the reason that I made her like that was because I thought that's how my life was, but as I got older and my brain began to learn new knowledge I found out that it was envy. Envy was a totaly new feeling for me, but as I started to feel it more I got used to it and soon stopped feeling it.

Anyway Akari was my only bestfrie d that I knew and ever had. We would play hide 'n seak, tag, witch, draw together and sing together. We had similar personalities, but hers were more altered to be happier then me. I remember the first time that I "met" her.

Flash back~

Everything was quiet and dark. Not a single soul was up lurking around in the house that little Aura lived in, well except of course her. She could not sleep do to all the horrid dreams if past events haunted her memory, some even she knew not of.

She was sat on the cold hard concert floor of the basement in almost complet darkness expect for the little bit of little that was shown through the small window in the basement.

"If only, if only the woodpecker sing as soft the clouds floating in the sky with birds and bee soreing on the gentl breeze. What a sight that would be, to fly on cloud within a dream. Being free, being fast I really wish that time could last, but alas my time is near the end. What's suppose to happen when it rematches the end? Do I die? do I fade? I wonder what would happen on that fateful day." The young child sang with it echoing back off the cement walls and floors.

One of the many songs that she created with a dream, just like everything that is or was it all began with a dream. Her dream? To free, To be fast and hope that it all last.

After just staring down at her hands twiddling them together as her internment though it didn't quiet hold her attention.

Iknow! How about a new game!

The young child thought excitedly letting the rare feeling of happiness bubble up inside her and feeling her with a great feeling of warmth and comfort.

But what will it be called? Hop?No too plain, Dare? No too.. normal. II'll just figure something out later.

The child shrugged it off and then started to how she thought the new game of hers should start out. She closed her eyes still being sat on the concert floor with her legs crossed, and started to imagen "her". "Her" was a girl that would sometimes appear in her dreams at night when ever she did get sleep. She was a beautiful girl, same height, weight and skin tone as her, but diffrent hair color, hair length, voice and eye color.

In short the other "her" had the most beautiful dark purple shade if hair she had ever seen with a pair of magnificent light purple eyes that fit together perfectly. She was truely the most beautiful person that a child that has only been met with grief, hatered and sorrow has and ever could imagine.

Little Aura saw this girl as a savior of hers, for she had brought her out of her dark times even just for a little while. When ever Aura thought about 'Her' she had a since of home, one where she was loved and noticed of being a person rather than a slave.

That night was diffrent from the other nights, it was special to her and gave her a little reason to live. She will never forget the night that she met 'Her'

End of Flasher back~ >~

" Aura, aura." I felt a shaking on my shoulders." Huh?" I opened my eyes and found a unfamiliar man infront of me. " You must be very confused my dear, but don't fret I am the pack doctor, Adam." He stuck his out for me to shack with a cocky smirk on his face." Yeah, okay." This guy really freaks me out, but I'm sure that there are other poeple who are his victim's as well, though even though he looks to be really anoyying he dose have some good look's. " Um, where am I?" Don't get me wrong I knew where I was it's just that people usually ask that question when they wake up somewhere that they have not seen or wasn't at last till they somehow ended up in a diffrent place. " It's okay Angel there is no need to be frightened." He grinded down at me and attempted to strock my face, but I moved out of his reach. " No thanks."

Sorry it took so long, I'm going to have to write a second part to this, becasue it's not complete yet, but I want to let you guys fel like I haven't abandoned you so please, just wait a bit longer.

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