Chapter 3 (Aria's P.O.V)

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Aria is in the Multimedia Box :p

Chapter Three

Staring right at me in unbridled shock were the eyes of my wolf. Vivid, bright, molten gold. Somehow it seemed weird that they were in a human's face. They were so startlingly gold that it was almost supernatural.

I shifted nervously in my seat, no one in school had ever looked at me for so long, yet right now, the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen is staring at me. I wanted to look down from those smoldering eyes, but I could not. They brewed with sudden lust.

That couldn't be lust for me! I was the unattractive, boring girl who was destined to live the rest of her days hoarding cats and being alone.

How could he have any interest in me, my own delusional mind must've imagined it.

The teacher cleared his throat.

"May you sit down son, you've been standing there for hours."

A few chuckles resonated through the class, but not many, almost everyone was mesmerized by Aidan.

He didn't move though, he stood there staring at me as if he were in a trance. My heart was pounding and my hands started to get clammy under his unwavering scrutinization. I didn't like this feeling growing in my chest, it was painful, my breath started to grow shallow.

"Can you please stop" I choked out, tugging at my long matted, black hair.

That was the first time I had ever spoken out in class, all heads turned to me, eyes widened in surprise as if they didn't even know I was sitting there.

Murmurs broke out through the classroom as they acknowledged me, looks of curiosity and disgust pierced through me, I pulled my hair over my face to block out all the unwanted attention.

Without even trying, Aidan had removed my cloak of invisibility. He had shattered the life I had worked so hard to create, I didn't know if I should hate him or thank him.

Aidan was still peering at me but his jaw was now clenched and his eyes were narrowed in disgust. That lustful look had left him completely, at least he was giving me an expression I was used to.

"Aidan, I think you've disrupted this class for long enough. Take. A. Seat."

The teacher's face was turning red and his voice had hardened.

Aidan's eyes flickered from mines to the teacher, the teacher seemed to shrink back in fear, almost as if he were intimidated.

"Yes" he muttered in a low voice.

His voice was like a silken caress. A low timbre that was almost musical. It made little tingles run through my body and goosebumps raise on my arm.

His eyes scanned the room, landing on a few girls, causing them to swoon, I didn't blame them, he was on a whole 'nother level of gorgeousness.

I few girls showed explicit disappointment when they realized the seats next to them were taken.

But of course, the only empty seat was beside me. I tensed up as he strolled confidently towards my desk, his slow walk was graceful yet effortless, a silent power radiated from him.

He finally landed in his seat, the girls snuck obvious glances and whispered among themselves. The boys nearly burned with envy as they watched the beautiful stranger receive more attention in a few minutes than they had in a year.

I peeked at Aidan through my frizzy, knotted ebony hair. His sculpted jaw was clenched tightly and hands were balled into tight fist. Those golden eyes were trained on the desk, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was trying his hardest to concentrate on something. He took shallow breaths through his mouth and bit his full bottom lip every so often.

That was enough to get Aria"s heart pounding loudly in her chest.

She wasn't sure why she had such a deep attraction to him. Maybe it was because every thing he did and everything he was reminded her of the wolf she loved that in the deep burrows of those mysterious woods.

I needed a distraction to keep from staring, so I flipped to a blank page in my notebook and did what I did best. I drew my wolf. Each stroke flowed from my pencil, drawing my wolf came naturally, it was all I ever did in my free time. Each shade and line seemed to almost capture his powerful beauty. After fifteen minutes the image was done, those shaded lead colored eyes of her drawn wolf left her feeling unsatisfied. Nothing could compare to those depthless golden orbs.

I glanced at Aidan again, he was staring blankly at my drawing, I shifted in my hard seat, wanting to cover it. His expressionless gaze made me feel self conscious. It was like sharing my most precious secret with a complete stranger.

The chirps of the bell resonated through the classroom, Aiden quickly got up and headed for the door. His delicious scent wafted towards me as he walked past my desk. A faint yet intoxicating mix of sandal wood and toasted vanilla.

The girls nearly tripped and fell over their desks to quickly follow him in to the hallway. I shook my head and chuckled softly, did they know how retarded they looked?

I threw my black Jansport backpack over my shoulder and proceeded to go to my locker. The halls were still loud as ever and I struggled to keep my bifocals on my face in an effort to keep my eyes trained on the ground, safe from anyone's wondering gaze. When I finally arrived to my locker the hallways had cleared out a little, I fiddled with my lock, but it wasn't giving that usual satisfying click it would give indicating that it had opened. I sighed in exasperation and gave up, the hallways were practically empty, if I didn't give a move on, I would be late.

I swiftly turned and bumped into a rock hard chest. That intoxicating scent of toasted vanilla and Sandalwood filled my olfactory senses. Now that I was this close I could smell hints of pine and Earth. I knew that delicious scent by now.

It was Aidan.

Keeping my eyes trained on the floor I mustered all my courage to apologize.

"I, um...I'm so-"

Before I could get my words out his large, soft hand grabbed my chin and sharply lifted it, making my bifocal clad eyes meet his own smoldering gold ones.

His jaw was clenched and he had a look of distinct pain on his face. It was like staring into the face of an anguished God.

My heart pounded fast and loud within my chest and I felt so dizzy that I could faint. Electricity seemed to run from his slender fingers into the skin of my chin and down my spine causing me to shiver.

His soft pink lips parted slightly and his eyes closed. Then, without warning he shoved me into my locker and pushed his sharp nose into my slender neck. Aidan inhaled deeply and sighed shakily with each exhale. His warm breath against my neck awakened new, frightening sensations in my body that I never knew existed. Without even realizing it, I let out a low moan into his ear.

He responded with a deep, primal growl.

I swear, that had to be the sexiest sound I have ever heard in my entire life. Heat pooled in my core and wetness gathered between my legs.

The loud, blaring sound of the bell filled the hallways. Aidan's head snapped away from my neck and his eyes widened in shock, as if he was just realizing what he had done.

"Don't ever come near me again" he hissed. His golden eyes that were now darkened with lust narrowed into angry slits.

What the fuck? Wasn't it him who came at me and sniffed my neck out of the blue like a freaking dog?

I slumped into my locker in defeat as I watched his tall, lean figure retreat down the hall.

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