The sound of music hit the air- everyone turned to look to the back of the English classroom- a group of three sat there, a blue haired girl desperately scrambled for her phone which the music was blaring from, a piece of a kit-kat bar stuck out of her mouth as she turned off the music.
"Sorry," she mumbled awkwardly, shoving the rest of the chocolate bar in her mouth- the teacher rolled his eyes as he continued to scroll down the page on his computer- whatever he was looking at, his glasses reflected the glow of the computer as the care vanished from his eyes.
"That went better than expected," A boy spoke, he was sitting behind the girl- who was turned around to talk to him, next to him sat his twin- they were identical, though their hair was dyed differently- one had black hair with white underneath, while the other had white hair with black underneath; their names were Kari and Kita, they also had amber eyes which lit up once they got a reaction out of the bluette.
The bluette was named Brett, she had ocean green eyes- her hair went down to the middle of her back, she was known as the girl who cursed a lot- she was rarely sent to the office, but, when she was, it was due to her violent outbreaks- along with Kita, who had the tendency to get into fights too.
"Excuse you, my music is great." Brett stated in response, she stuck out her tongue as Kita rolled his eyes- Kari wasn't really in the conversation, as he was reading a book- the red glasses which were propped on his nose kept sliding down his face, though he constantly adjusted them with the sleeve of his too-long sweater.
"Sure, what song was it even?" Kita challenged, squinting as the door to the class opened, he didn't have time to see who walked in though, because Brett snatched his attention- literally.
Brett yanked on Kita's fringe, instead of answering his question, she changed the subject, "Your roots are awful, dude- fix that shit."
"I kind of like the white-black-brown combo going on," Kita complained, shaking Brett's grasp before continuing. "Your roots are blonde, you're so damn lucky." Kita sighed, staring at Brett's bright blue hair- she had dyed it a few days ago.
"Maybe I should just dye my hair black," Kita added, grabbing a piece of his hair to look at, he blinked as he tried to see it- Brett sighed.
"Shut up you absolute pretty assholes," Kari growled, adjusting his glasses again- he quickly glanced up at the pair, who stared at him in confusion- Kari shook his head and flipped the page in his book.
Brett let out a small squeak as the teacher spoke, he looked at her, just in time for her phone to clatter to the floor- Brett laughed nervously as the teacher continued to glare at her- and then, something sparked in his eyes.
"Everyone, as I was saying, we have a new student- I was going to pick a volunteer to show them around, but since Brett is such a good student, I'm sure she would love to." The teacher spoke, he smiled with satisfaction as Brett looked like she was going to explode.
"Rescue me Kari, please." Brett begged, dramatically reaching over to Kari, who just scooted his chair further, he was usually the one to show people around- not Brett, who had no experience with normal human interaction.
"Brett!" The teacher snapped, glaring at the girl as she sighed- got up, slung her bag over her shoulder and shuffled to the front, she looked at the student who she would be showing around. Orange hair, bright green eyes full of worry.
"On your way, Breast." The voice sounded from the back of the room- Kita.
"Kita!" Kari yelled, Brett heard as Kari hit his brother over the head- and then she heard laughing- but oh no, she couldn't laugh with them, she had to show a student around.