Part 2

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          "TRAITOR! LICH KING TRAITOR!" the king bellowed furiously, swinging his sword wildly. Once a formidable fighter, the greenest swordsman would have laughed at the way the disturbed king jabbed his sword at invisible enemies. 

          Arthas, at a loss of what to do, was startled as Varian seemed to remember he was there and aimed the swinging of his sword at his friend. In self defense, he drew his own sword, Frostmourne, but had no intention to swing it until Varian's sword met its target and rang off of Arthas's dark steel armor.

          "Varian, please! Let's just talk..." The king's sword was swinging in a deadly arc down towards Arthas's head. Automatically, he brought Frostmourne up to meet it and the screech of metal on metal reverberated throughout the throne room. As he met the king's eyes, darkened by a malevolent influence, he recognized the taint of their most despised enemy. 

          "Sylvanas," he grunted as he was forced to parry another blow from the king. "Varian, STOP! This is Sylvanas's doing!" His attempts to make the king see reason were useless. 

           Arthas did not know if the king had willingly submitted to Sylvanas's influence or been forced to, but he did know that this was not his friend any longer.

            He felt icy tears rolling down his cheeks as he fought and could not remember the last time he had cried. For so long he had been corrupted by power and the overwhelming desire to protect his people, he had lost sight of what was in front of him. How fitting, he thought, that his traitor lieutenant Sylvanas, who had betrayed him and the Scourge and formed her own ragtag bunch of undead, had corrupted his oldest friend.

          The erratic swinging of the king's sword was slowing as his tormented mind caught up to his body's exhaustion. Still, he did not cease his struggling as Arthas forced him to the ground and placed his foot on top of him. 

          The long overdue clattering of armored feet approached from hallways all along the sides of the throne room. Stormwind soldiers filed in, their swords unsheathed, and formed a circle around Arthas and his captive. Glancing behind them, they stiffened and sheathed their weapons as a young man cut through the circle and took in the scene before him. His expression was one of pure astonishment.

          Arthas knew he had a lot of explaining to do to Prince Anduin Wrynn, son of King Varian.

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