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When I woke up I had heard yelling. It was very common for my parents to fight, but something seemed different. I slowly pulled away my green covers and got off the bed.

When I opened the door I could hear the yelling from downstairs. Looking in between the stair rails I could see my beautiful mother. She stood tall at "5'8", her heels had given her a few more inches.

Although she had been in her forties, her face was flawless. Her golden locks fell perfectly down her shoulders. And her green eyes stared at the man sternly.

I couldn't see the man, he had a cloak over his head. "Just end this madness!" My mother screamed "the war is over, we can be a family again. Your daughter needs you, I need you!"

"The war will never be over, not until he is dead" I hear the man say. My mom looks at the man with tears in her eyes "whatever you plan on doing, please don't. We can move, we can leave the wizarding world-"

"And what of Amelia? What would we do when her powers present them self? Tell her to ignore it? I want her to have everything and more. I don't want her to worry about this war. I want a better life for her, damn it!"

"And have her live a life without her father?" The man shakes his head and turns away from her. "Words could not describe how much pain it brings to leave either of you, Eve.but I'm doing this to keep you safe."

"No, please don't go!" My mother pleads.

"Goodbye Eve."

"No!" Looking around I see my room in the apartment. I look at the clock to see it was seven in the morning. I sigh and put my head in my hands, it was only a dream. But it wasn't just a dream, it was a memory.

I have been getting these dreams more frequently. Usually I would only get one every other month. Now it's became a nightly event.

Looking up to the mirror across the room I see the bags under my eyes and my knotted hair. Getting up slowly I grab a hair band from the table a put my hair in a quick messy bun. Looking down I button up the button of my shirt and roll up the sleeves. I pull down where my leggings had ridden up last night and stand, grabbing my wand before leaving.

Walking out of my room, I noticed Harry was still asleep. Walking in the room I nudge his shoulder "Harry, you need to get up. We need to get to the Weasley's." He groans but nods his head and sits up. "What time is it?" He asks.

"Seven" he sighs "we got to get up earlier so we could be there by a decent time. Go on and get dressed, breakfast will be done by then." I wave my wand to the stove and everything I need starts to fly out and to the stove. Grabbing the waffle maker, I hook it up and grab the batter. Once I pour enough for four waffles I close it and grab a pan.

I make a few things of bacon quickly and put it on the plate. The waffle maker dinged, signaling that they were ready. Once the waffles were on the plate I grab two cups and pour some orange juice.

By the time I place everything on the table, Harry had walked in with the mall. Looking through it, Harry frowns. "None from Sirius?" He shakes his head "he'll write me, right?"

"As soon as he thinks it's safe to, I'm sure he will." He nods "you got a letter but I don't know who it's from." He passes it to me along with the other mail addressed to me, while he keeps his. Looking at the letter I knew who it was from instantly "Harry would you hand me my glasses?"

He nods and passes them to me. I put them on and open the letter with a barely contained excitement.

My dearest Amelia,

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