Chapter 4

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It had only been two weeks since Harry left. All of the parents and gaurdians found out about the triwizard tournament being held, as well as he age restriction to compete. I, like most, was grateful for the restriction. Since coming to Hogwarts Harry hasn't had a single normal year to just be a kid. Trouble has a way of finding him, and I didn't want him to have any part in the dangerous tournament. Harry said he wasn't too bothered by the tournament, only upset that there wouldn't be quidditch this year because of it. I was hopeful that he might finally get the normal year he deserved.

Work had been anything less then hectic. The ministry and been trying to keep the death eater attacks below the radar, but they're showing up more frequently. The last attacks  had been more than a decade ago. After the death of you know who, there were only a handful who still believed in the cause enough to continue fighting. After the trials, the ones who hadn't been named kept a low profile in fear of being sent to Azkaban. It's weird seeing any attacks, but there have now been three in 5 months. Something was going on,and I feared to find the answer of what.

I was about to head over to see Sirius and Remus when Hedwig flew through the window. I had just sent a response to Harry's previous letter so there was no way this was a response. something had happened.

I grabbed the letter, petting the owl in thanks, and prepared for what was written. My eyes scanned the words on the parchment, anger rising with each word. Trouble had once again found Harry Potter, and it disguised itself as the Triwizard Tournament.

"He can't compete! They just said there would be an age limit! Dumbledore wouldn't let him do this."

"Darling you're pacing. " Sirius says with a smirk. Remus sat across from him, reading the contents of the letter. His eyes scruntched in concentration and he wore a frown, trying to find some loophole to this tournament.

My head shot to Sirius with a steely glare, "Don't start with me Black. You know Harry wouldn't purposely do this, he isn't like you." I could see Remus' lip twitch at the remark. "But he is a smart boy, he'll be alright. You know Dumbledore wouldn't let anything happen to him" Sirius said with a shrug.

"Thats not what I'm worried about" I said, finally stopping to look at the pair. "You think it's connected to the recent attacks?" Remus asked. I nodded, "It's the first time in thirtteen years since there's been an attack, and Harry's name is randomly picked for one of the most dangerous tournaments in wizarding history? That isn't a coincidence." They both nod in agreement.

"The Headmaster of Durmstrang was a big supporter before he sold out Crouch Jr. for his freedom. Putting Harry's name in the Goblet could be a way to show he still supports You Know Who" Sirius says as I make my way to Remus. Sitting beside him, Remus sits the letter on the table and places his arm around me, calming me instantly. I look at him, smiling gently at the effect he still has on me. I've known this man for almost a year and seeing him still makes my heart flutter.

Somethings different though, I don't know what it is but I can feel something is different. I catch him looking at me sometimes, but it's not a look of love. Its concern, he's worried about something but I have no clue what it is. Remus is keeping something from me, and I'm not so sure I want to find out the answer.

"I just wish he could have one normal year. Harry shouldn't have to go through this at such a young age" I sigh, leaning into Remus' touch. The former marauders nod, "Not all of us are given such luxury" Sirius says.

"We don't get that kind of luxury"

I groan in pain, hands gripping my head in attempt to soothe the headache. That strange feeling of deja vu, but it feels worse. It's becoming more unbearable each time. "Amelia are you alright?" Remus asks. I shake my head, "I don't know what's happening. It's like I've heard you say that, but I can't recall where." I see the looks between them. It's the same look, concern. Sirius looks pointedly at Remus. He knows.

"What?" I say, turning their attention back to me. "I'm not daft, I see the looks you've been giving me. You know what's going on, don't you?" It wasn't a question, They knew what was happening, and I needed to know.

They exchange another ser of looks, the old friends being capable of having an entire conversation with a simple glance. Sirius sighs, raking his fingers through his shoulder length hair before looking to me. "We never meant to keep anything from you, we've been expressedly told not to say anything until the right time." Looking between the pair I scoff, "By who? Who is so important that you woukd keep something that seems so important from me?" They go silent. Looking to Remus I can tell it pains him not to tell me, but I was hurt too. This wasn't something thats happening to them, but me. I should be the one who knows, and not even the man I love will tell me.

I remove myself from his grasp, alreay feeling cold from the lack of his touch, but an act the clearly shows I wasn't happy by this. "If this is what we think this is, it's the start of another war. We don't have time to be keeping secrets from each other. I may be younger then the two of you, but I am not a child who needs the truth hidden from her. We need to be able to trust each other and how can I if you two are keeping something from me?" Remus stands, reaching for my arm, but he's hesitant. He's waiting to see if I'll back away. I let him, a small but meaningful move as it soothes us both. "Darling, you have no idea how much it pains me to keep anything from you. We would've told you the instant we found out if we knew it wasn't absolutely imparrative that you find out at the right time." His hands lift to cup my face, thumb caressing my jaw. "I need you to trust that the second we are able to tell you, we will."

My favorite thing about Remus had always been his eyes. A person could hide everything about themselves, but you cant hide the truth in your eyes. His were so very gentle, they showed the youth that had been torn from him due to his transformation. They used to hold so much sadness, it pained me everytime to look at them. He almost always had a look of loss in them. Those once sad green eyes had gotten brighter since I first met him. They were vibrant light a forest, with a light that shines through. Those eyes looked at me with complete adoration, like I was a savior. His doesn't understand how he saved me in return.

"And after that, no more secrets?" I asked. He smiled gently, "No more secrets."


Hey Guys! With this quarantine I have been Unemployed! lol but seriously with this extra time on my hands I thought I'd put out another chapter fir you all. Thank you guys so much for all the support for this series and I hope to be getting more out soon! I hope you're all doing well and try to stay safe during these trying times

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